anonymous asked:

Also, re: the blushing ask. It's so fluffy I adore it! now I'm thinking about palm kisses. Taking any excuse to touch his face and him sort of absentmindedly turning to kiss your palm because it's right there. But also. He is for sure into thick thighs and as established will use them as pillows. But please do not forget that when he does, he will kiss your tummy because it's right there and he loves you.

Ok. Ok. So I almost started crying at tummy kisses so here we go!


-You enjoy running your fingers across Daniel's jawline when he's reading/working/babbling

-And you just melt when he closes his eyes and presses his lips to your palm

-When he's talking he presses quick kisses between each word and will hold your hand there if you try to pull away

-The first time he kissed your tummy you froze and nearly dropped the book you were reading on his face

-After he did it a third and fourth time you started crying because it was so soft and caring, and unexpected, and he panicked

-He sat up and started apologizing because the last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable or self-conscious

-But then you pull him in for this kiss that's all tears and little laughs

-And he realizes what's happening

-Now when he does it you just start giggling and he thinks it's the cutest thing in the world

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