Anonymous asked:

What is Daniel like when he knows you're on your period ( I am having a particularly bad period Day) so extra fluff please

Oh I feel this one 🥺 I'm sorry you're having a bad period day they suck

Warnings: None! Just Fluff! Fluff! Fluff!


-Let me tell you, this boy will do anything to make you feel better.

-Will run out to buy you pain meds, pads, tampons, snacks, heating pad, whatever you want

-Makes you homemade hot chocolate to take your pain pills with

-Cuddles. Cuddles. Cuddles!

-Will curl up behind you on the couch and pull you close

-Tight hugs and soft kisses when you have bad cramps

-Movie marathon of your choice

-He'll order your favorite take out and buy your favorite ice cream

-Even. More Snuggles!!!

-He's nuzzling into your neck, kissing your collarbone, and muttering sweet nothings against your skin, just hoping his cuddles help you feel better

-If something small starts making you cry he doesn't make a big deal out of it

-He'll just hold you and let you let it out

-He'll give you whatever you ask for

-He'll do whatever you want

-Especially if the pain meds don't really work because seeing you in pain kills him

-He'll give you space if that's what you want

-But he won't be far away if you haven't gotten your fill of kisses and cuddles

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