Anonymous asked:

Hey, could you write about drunk Daniel? Either cute, funny, annoying or dark doesn't matter to me... I'm curious how you would picture him drunk, or high if you want.


-Daniel is a silly drunk

-All giggles and smiles with his lips against your cheek

-"You're gorgeous, you know that?" He squishes his face to yours, "How'd I get so lucky?"

-If you tell him you love him he gets all excited

-"I love you too!" He grins "I love you so much!!😃"

-Is always hugging you or trying to hug you

-In a constant state of "Love meeee!" 😍😍

-Making grabby hands at you from the bed or couch until you let him cuddle you, then he's wrapped around you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck

-When he falls asleep he is out, arms locked around you, nose completely buried in your neck, smiling that big dopey smile of his

-Gets whiny if you try to get up and his grip gets tighter

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