Chapter Eleven : The Spell

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It had been about a month since Norrita had arrived at the Plainsclan camp, and a busy one at that. The wolf princess had stayed hidden in the medical tent for that time while she recovered from her many injuries (she also turned out to have pneumonia and severe sunburn due to laying out in the dust and desert sun for extended periods of time), and Lyra, Shorlyn, and a small council of higher-ups in the Clan had to plan how exactly they wanted to announce the newcomer, and how they might deal with the fact that dangerous wolves might be coming soon to try and take over all of Caballashifter land. It was... not easy to deal with, that was for absolute sure.
Today, however, was the day that they'd tell the whole Clan. Norrita was deemed well enough to start going back to normal, and so they were set to start working on something of a plan concerning her dire warnings.
"How do you think they'll take the news that a wolf has been in their medicine tent using their herbs and their doctors for the past month? And don't even get me started on the possible 'doom to all horses' part. Getting stampeded really isn't my goal for life, thank you very much," Norrita whispered sharply to Lyra as they waited on Speaking Stone for the  Clan to gather below them. It was a bit crowded with five people all standing there. On her right Lyra had Shorlyn, Brandelle, and Rushwind - to her left was Norrita. Even shifted into human form it was difficult to get them all on top of the rock face at once since the Stone was made for two at a time, not five. Lyra gave Norrita a sideways look and whispered back at her.
"Quit that, the acoustics of this rock are designed  - and enchanted - to carry through the whole meeting area - if you get too loud everyone will hear you, and everything will be ruined," she sniped back. "Just be patient for a few more seconds as everyone gathers, okay?" Goodness gracious, this filly. Well, she wasn't a filly... Eh, who cares. Same thing, different species. The Lupine wrinkled her nose at Lyra before turning back to the gathering crowd and staring down as many horses who made eye contact as she possibly could. The Lupine was really strange - she did certain things to purposefully make others uncomfortable, which made little sense to Lyra. She and Shorlyn had discussed it, and the mare's theory was that she did it to dispel any disrespect that anyone might direct towards her. Lyra still wasn't sure, but the theory made sense to her.
Norrita continued to glare at the crowd, and when no one was looking at her she glared at Lyra. It made the filly super-duper uncomfortable, but she pretended otherwise. She was extremely relieved when the last few horses joined the crowd and Shorlyn began the meeting due to the fact that finally the wolf had something else to look at.

"Horses of Plainsclan!!" she called out over the crowd. The magic rock made it so that her voice was loud and booming when she wanted it to be so, and this was for sure one of those times. "I know you are wondering why we have gathered you here today. I also know that you're wondering who this young lady -" she points over to Norrita "- over here is. Her name is Norrita, and she is a Lupineshifter, but not one to fear. She has been chased out by her own packmates because she was caught trying to contact us. We've sheltered her for about a month because she had extensive injuries and other health problems. You may be upset that we kept such a big secret for so long, but please understand that it was what we felt was best for Norrita and the Clan.

"Now, along with her strange arrival, this wolf brought us some dire warnings. You see, the leaders of her pack are power-hungry, and desire to take over the rest of the world, no matter who lives there. We are their next targets, and we would be sitting ducks if not for her brave warning. There are a lot of complications that come with this, though : first off, we need to warn the other Clans. Secondly, we have no way of knowing when exactly they'll be coming. And thirdly, the wolves that will possibly be fighting are innocent. They've been brainwashed completely. It's hard to fathom fighting them, but we'll do it if needed. We're also tasked with showing mercy towards them. In the long run, this will be an odd battle, and a tough one, but the Caballaclans will get through it. Plainsclan will get through it. And on the other side, perhaps, we will again see the days where horses and wolves coexisted together, sharing knowledge and magic. Although they may look different, they are shifters just like we are. Don't they deserve a chance?"

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