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Nightmare sighs tiredly. It was 7 am and both dust and horror were already up. He could tell cross and killer would wake soon as well. He needs to make them breakfast. What the hell do kids like most? Dino nuggies? Probably.
Problem they had barely any food in the house. Horror ate the entire fridge before he had changed.

They might have cereal... oh wait. He swears the was a watermelon left. Fruit is good for kids right? Better then what they usually ate.

Ok cereal and watermelon. Simple enough. He looks at horror as he try's to make shapes with crayons... before sticking them in his mouth. Nightmare stands, "horror no!" He grabs him and pulls them from his mouth gently, "not food."
Horror whines slightly but doesn't try to argue. Cross slowly sits up in a daze and mumbles, "no one got eaten right?"

Nightmare sighs, "I told you cross... there's no boogeyman. Even if there was I wouldn't let it hurt you." If there was something he could be worried about it would be the positive trio. Made him sick. They would try to take his gang. Make them to be hero's... change them completely. He couldn't let that happen. He couldn't be alone.

Before he breaks down he decides to get the other two up. He gently shakes killer and error awake. Killer immediately attaches to his hip happily. He sighs, "come on... let's eat some food."


After he manages to get them to eat which was mostly easy except for dust who can't eat solids. He managed to snatch some formula from undertale itself. It had to be good right? He hopes because dust already chugged the bottle. Now he had to do what he promised. Let them play outside. He had no kids activities so he would have to steal some later. He would buy it but that's More likely to get him caught.  He hoped their imaginations would be good enough for today.

He takes them outside of the home and keeps watch of their reactions. They all seem excited. So that's good. Even though he had zero sleep he needed to keep a constant watch from the porch. If the idiot stars showed up there would be big problems. He also wanted to make sure his idiots didn't get hurt. They already did that when they were normal... who knows what they would do as kids.

Cross and error explore the fields seemingly interested by the bugs and animals that roamed. Killer stayed close to nightmare and drew in the dirt with a stick and horror...


It was an ok day.

Nightmare sighs tiredly. He was glad no one was hurt yet. He wouldn't feel right seeing them cry. It would hurt... more that it ever should.

Cross and error follow a squirrel further and further out. Cross running ahead to keep up. Error huffs, "crosS your goiNg tOo faSt!" Cross laughs, "but we don't wanna lose him do we?" Error groans, "I'm sure wE can stILl follOW him at a slowEr sPEed!" Cross laughs until he turns and runs face first into a tree. Error stops before the tree and grips onto cross, "arE yOU ok¿"

Cross whimpers and grips onto his forehead, "nooooo..." error looks at cross then at the tree, "woAh... this trEe iS huge..." cross slowly stands and looks up as well, "huh... it's the only tree here too?" Error shrugs, "I meAN iT's DeAd so MayBe thE rEst aRe too?" Cross nods, "sounds like it... maybe we can ask mum!" Error nods in agreement, "And asK to LoOk at YoUr heAd..." cross huffs, "I'm big and strong! It'll be better in no time!" The two walk back towards the house.

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