Chapter 1

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"She's in the clouds, heavy and dark, waiting to fall like rain."


"Please Alexandra!" Mrs. Hart pleaded as she once again tried to slip an envelope of cash into my hands. "Take it."

"I can't accept this." I shook my head, pushing her hand away. "You've already done so much for me."

"Not enough." She pinned me with a stern look. Although she was short and not at all intimidating in stature, Mrs. Hart had a way of making you listen even when you didn't want to. It's how I came to unwillingly tuck the envelope of cash from earlier into my backpack.

For someone in her early fifties, she sure didn't look a day over forty. Her raven black hair was always neatly tucked away in a bun, and I think I'd only seen her with it down once or twice since we'd been neighbors.

But despite her tough exterior, Mrs. Hart was a sweetheart.

I owe her my life, I sighed as I let my gaze linger on her – trying to memorize her kind smile and warm eyes. Who knows when the next time I'll see her will be.

"I have to go..." I glanced between her and the wall clock. Running through my mental check list one more time, it looked like I had everything. "My bus leaves in two hours."

Fake ID – check.

Money – check.

Change of clothes – check.

Bus ticket – check.

New phone – check.

"Let me drive you to the station." Mrs. Hart smiled, although it didn't reach her eyes. She made a motion to reach for her car keys on the counter, but I stopped her.

"No." I gently shook my head, meeting her gaze. "It's too dangerous. I don't want you getting caught up in the middle of this. If he ever finds out you helped me..."

I didn't dare finish that sentence. She knew what he was capable of.

Mrs. Hart sighed, rubbing her face. "Just promise me you'll be careful."

"I always am." I replied, trying to keep my voice as leveled as possible. Not last night though, I thought bitterly. I allowed myself to get too comfortable – to let my guard down and I ended up paying the price.

Mrs. Hart continued to eye me wryly before opening her arms. "Come here." As soon as her arms wrapped around me, I gasped in pain and tensed under her touch. She immediately pulled back, cursing under her breath. "Sweetheart I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay." I hissed in pain, taking a breath and counting to five in my head. Mrs. Hart continued to gently hold me at arm's length, her brows furrowed.

"We could still go to the police," She tried to coax me, her voice almost pleading. If only it were that simple, I thought. "You don't have to do this, Alexandra."

"It's Lexie now, Mrs. Hart." I took her hands into mine and gently squeezed. "And you know the police won't do anything. His father is the Chief – my report would get buried before I even finished signing it. This is the only way."

She reached out and stroked my cheek, her eyes becoming glassy. "You call me when you can."

"I will," I nodded, pulling the backpack over my shoulders. Although there was barely anything in it, the action still made my breath hitch and I had to focus on the ground as the pain in my ribs continued to shoot through me.

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