Chapter 12

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"Girls like her were born in a storm. They have lighting in their soul, thunder in their hearts, and chaos in their bones." – Nikita Gill


Chase P.O.V

Pulling the office door shut behind me, I quickly jogged down the stairs. I half expected to find Lexie sitting behind the reception desk reading one of her books, but instead Scarlett was there with Darius.

Asking where she had disappeared to was at the tip of my tongue, but I quickly dismissed the idea. What the fuck do I care? She's been nothing but a constant pain in my ass ever since she walked into this gym five months ago.

It's like she had this constant need to just ask all these fucking questions and butt into my life, when no one asked her to.

"Stop flirting and get your asses back to work." I rolled my eyes as I rounded the corner, stopping right next to Darius. "Darius," I nodded towards the training room. "A word?"

I didn't wait for him to reply as I spun on my heel and walked away. Behind me, however, I heard Darius say, "Don't miss me too much, Tiger."

I don't know why they just don't get together already, I rolled my eyes. I mean, everyone knows they're fucking.

"What's up?" Darius asked when he finally caught up with me.

"Can you take my client at four today?" I asked, hopping onto one of the empty treadmills. I skipped my workout this morning because I had to deal with the fucking bank, and I needed to stay on track if I wanted to win Friday night.

"Why?" He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "You got a hot date or something?"

"No, dumbass." I glared at him as I pressed the green start button. "Olivia has a parent teacher conference today."

"Yeah, I gotcha." Darius replied, running a hand through his hair. "But please don't tell me it's that crazy chick Angela." He then proceeded to go on a ten minute tangent about how crazy this girl Angela was, all of which I zoned out.

"So, Friday night after the fight." Darius clasped his hands together, lazily leaning against the treadmill next to mine. "You, me, and some hot chicks at the bar on 10th street?"

"I can't." I shook my head, lifting my hand to wipe some of the sweat from my forehead. As tempting as that sounded, I could only get Olivia's babysitter to watch her until eleven.

"Why?" Darius asked, and I could hear the amusement in his voice. "Are you and Lexie planning another sleepover?"

"What?" My head snapped up and I nearly tripped over my own two feet.

"Don't give me that look." He laughed, raising a challenging eyebrow. "I heard the two of you had another sleepover recently."

"Who the fuck told you that?" Why the fuck was it so difficult for people to just mind their own business.


Of course, I rolled my eyes as I increased the speed on the treadmill. I had a hard time getting Olivia to shut up as it was, but when it came to Lexie, she could go on for hours. It was always Lexie this, Lexie that.

But Lexie made it with the other cheese.

Lexie let me stay up after nine!

Why can't you be nice like Lexie?

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