chapter one

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Once Upon a Time in the land known as the main lands there lived a building that live for wolves the first one was the oldest he was a purple wolf along with black eyes and white dots he was tallest and the strongest meaning that he was the alpha of his family along with his three siblings his second sibling was the second oldest he was a green wolf with brown eyes his name is known as Dipsy and he was a rare wolf he could take off his head and still be alive making him a great killer. Third was the second to youngest known as Lala she is tall and very skinny she have sharp claws on her paws what makes her special is that she can't see she's blind but she has a great sense of hearing nothing is safe once she is around, and then finally the youngest one of the family her name was Po she is a red wolf she's a little short for her size but don't underestimate her when she's angry when she's angry she has another form with sharp claws and knives on her back with her teeth ready to bite sharp as a blade of a the four of them lives in peace and Harmony on their home but they're also known as the four main killers that surrounds the land known as the Teletubby Village whoever tries to come to their territory the four Teletubbies will Huntin down and eat them only to leave a fair warning around the Teletubby Village that whoever comes close to their territory or that wants to be killed they will have a giant Death Wish upon making everyone respect their rules In Fear And also explain the children of the fear as well but it's only for fools who disobey the rules that will be killed. Until one day a white Teletubby name walten, wearing a beautiful white Hood and holding a basket was beginning to do his walk to the satellite station. Because he heard a old acquaintance of his caught a fever and wants to check up on him but, where he is scared him the most cuz he heard about the warnings but the shortest way to get to his friend's house was the woods he doesn't want to take two days to reach to his friend's house at the mountains. And with scared sigh he begins to make his journey to his friend's house along bringing his night vision camera and his basket while putting his hood on and make his journey.

30 minutes has passed when walten was walking through the woods making sure. He wasn't being followed although he was being very careful although not knowing that he was already being close to one of the territories from the floor Woods making him Keep On Walking. Meanwhile at the wolf's house the purple wolf known as the alpha begins to smell something sweet but for some reason he doesn't recognize the smell meeting that someone was in this territory but he doesn't understand why but he likes that smell it was different he couldn't tell if it was a _male or female_ it was all too strange to him making him wanting to figure out who is it for him to keep or should he say play~ while alerting his siblings that he'll be right back as he starts to run at full speed to the direction of he was smelling.

walten: walking through the woods while holding his night vision camera. ok so far im doing good no sign of the Wolves. looks behind him... but why do I always have the feeling I'm being hunted or followed...

walten continues on walking being very cautious since he's been hearing sounds that was very close to him not knowing that the purple wolf was getting closer to him until finally walten begins to hear growling as well seeing a pair of white eyes from the bushes making him worried as walten starts to back away slowly only for the pair of eyes to follow him making him starts to run as the purple wolf smirk as he likes to play around with his prey.

walten continue running and still holding on to his basket he's really afraid to turn around and also not knowing where he was going sense he knows that one wrong move he could be eaten or Worse dead. Although now he thinks about it both of them are the worst as he keeps on running along with the purple wolf behind him getting closer to him until finally walten made it to a dead end making his face turned very pale as he try to run back only for him to notice the purple wolf in front of him with a tasty smirk as the purple wolf begins to grab the little white Teletubby as he pushed him to the wall looking down on his body and thinking that he has found a new toy to play with. Only to see walten shivering in fear as he was looking at the purple wolf trying to free himself but he couldn't the purple wolf's grasp was too strong for his two hands so all he did was look at the purple wolf eyes.

walten: worry p-plz d-dont k-kill me Mr wolf

???: looking at him as his other hand he gets to review his sharp claws as he saw the little white Teletubby made scared squeak making him laugh as he begins to feel the white Teletubbies hair and liking how soft it is. and why not~ healing sounds fun but it's more funner to play around then killing pray~ especially For Cutie like you

walten: he blushed when he heard that i-im not cute...

???: oh yes you are~ he continues playing around with walten's hair as he started to move his body closer to his only to feel the little Teletubbies body warm making his Tail wagging as he was getting excited he wants to play around with his toy so bad.

walten: * doesn't really understand what's going on currently although his face was very red from a lot of blushing although he started to feel the purple wolves body warm close to the chest making his face turn darker red as he still looks at him.

???: what is your name cutie~

walten: u-umm i-its w-walten...

???: ah~ what a lovely name for such a cutie like you well then let me introduce myself since I'm going to be your new master~ I am the leader of my pack I am in Alpha my name is Tinky Winky~ and your my pet~ he begins to give walten a little kiss on the cheek. you taste so yummy~

Walten: He had chills going on his spine when Tinky Winky did that. Along very scared when he meant master. is Tinky Winky going to kill me or something else he doesn't want to find out as he tries to escape only for his two hands to be grabbed by his hands.

Tinky Winky: holding Walten by both of his hands up as he was standing up in his two legs. naughty naughty pets you cant escape from your master you haven't been here for the full day~

Walten: struggling to get free from Tinky Winky's hands. let me go, let me go please!!!

Tinky Winky: he gave out another smirk as he licks walten's on the cheek as he was still holding him. how about no pet~ you look so adorable when you're struggling how about we go back to our Dome where the others will love to play with you.~ he puts walten on his shoulder as he started to walk back to his Dome with his new pet.

Walten: trying to free himself but don't use since Tinky Winky had a strong grip all over his body all he could do was whimper with his ears down when he saw his night vision camera on the floor as he's being taken away from tinky Winky.

As Tinky Winky was walking away from one of his territories he was starting to go back to his Dome where his brothers sisters are along with the excitement when he has a new pet for everyone to play with although he really admires Walten as he was looking at his body structure very confused of why it looks like a female despite him being a male but he's our way he loves the way of his white fur as a Teletubby it represents perfectly as a white angel and his blue eyes compliments it he was thinking maybe that you could call this his new angel as he was walking back to his Dome known as the Teletubby lands as he saw his brother and sisters waiting for him as the three of them saw their brother along carrying something White only for smirks to put on their faces knowing that someone has broken the rule and trespassed their territories as they started to walk to take you and get to see their new meal.


Okay everyone I could explain everything but I will like to say something first I found this by accident but I really enjoy it since I actually played the slendy tubbies before it's a really fun game up collection along with story and so are you saw this I was like okay keep it going until I see the naughty parts of it and I enjoy it it's like the white angel confirming the undead so yeah if you don't like this that I respect your choice but a thing is I find it interesting I like to see different ships as well. But sonadow is still my number one and this is one of the others I like to see. Well anyways if you like it then I'm glad and if it's short than my usual books did I apologize it's because I want to try something new for a bit before I go back to my other book and going past the 6,000 words more whatever but I'll say this right now have a good day everyone or good night.

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