dinner or play part 2

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As the day is coming to the end where the clouds it's a pond everyone with the darkness comes with it when the rain will soon drop away from the mainlands in the satellite section it was pretty busy from over there such as high security or regards scientists and many more because I'm that lazy. Anyways main topic before I probably say something very stupid inside of the facility General Sergeant miles was in his room feeling like he is dying when he's only suffering a fever even though he refuses to stay in bed which was not good at all because it only taken two guards to lock him in his room for him to actually get some rest to the point that he wants to strangle them for disobeying him but knowing that they care for him he forced himself to stay in his prison cell known as his room

Miles POV

Uhhhh why does life hate me so much!!! Why do I have to be cursed with this awful plague... I just want to get back to work. He takes a deep breath before he grabs his pillow BUT NOOOO I HAVE TOO FUCKING SUFFER BY THIS AWFUL PLAGUE KNOWN AS A COL-AAAAACHHHHOOOOO!!!

He was very pissed off from his cold especially of how many times he's been sneezing and has a runny nose he's usually stronger than this but he hates to be weak mostly because he can't go to work or even make it for bowling night. Before he calms down and then lay down on his bed really have nothing better to do just sleep and rest and take medicine which no one even wants to take mostly because it was not grape flavor the only medicine that he'll take because the others taste like fish oil.

What to do what to do before counting down the time before I do die I could just look at the walls and think about my life choices do I regret nothing hmmm nope I regret nothing he thinks. Maybe talk to myself... nah I'm not that crazy... watch Shrek?  Hmmm maybe next week.... AHHHH WHAT TO DO!!!

As the poor miles Teletubby was trying to figure out what to do a message was heard from his laptop with curiosity he grabbed his blanket and wrapped it around and goes to his desk and sits down on the table and opened his computer and signed in with his passcode and click on the message that he received from his old acquaintance friend walten.

"What the walten what's with this sudden message?" He said before looking what time and it was one hour ago before he growled " God damn it poor internet fun let's see what he sent me" he said as he starts to read the message which was two page hooray for his suffering.

"To my old friend miles I heard the news from some of your soldiers saying that you caught a cold well to be honest I'm quite surprised you are usually the one who never gets sick usually I'm the one who gets sick and so because you help me in the time when I was needed I'm going to do the same thing for you I'm going to come over there and take care of you. I'll bring some special medicine along with some ingredients to make some chicken soup."

"Huh chicken soup classic but it works." He continues on reading and went to the next page as it shows the map where he lives along with the satellite station and the middle of the mainland.

" okay miles because of the rain schedule I discovered from my weather balloon taking a long path will take 2 days to get to you and it'll be raining and I don't know if I'm going to make it in time and so I'm taking a risk and I'm going to the mainland. Wait wait before you get to send any military Squad to get me or probably yell at me I know this is stupid but don't worry this might be a perfect opportunity to discover what's inside of the mainland I heard sorts of Legends but none of them has been confirmed so it's a two-way job for me if I live. But anyways if I don't come before tomorrow then you could call up a search if you like but you could trust me we've been friends for a while and I'm stronger than I look and you are proof of that anyways wish me luck.

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