dinner or play? part one

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??? Pov

Ahh~ it looks like our brother is back and looks like he's carrying something white on his shoulder it looks like someone had broken the rules of our Woods I can't wait to eat~ maybe I can make some delicious Tubby Custard with the delicious blood that it will provide~ I'll get my chainsaw ready~ Lala, po go met our big brother

Lala: ok Dipsy ~ slowly gets up on her four legs and smiles along with a hungry grin as she was using her ears and start to head where Tinky Winky is and started to head to the location where he is.

Po: Excited as her tail was wagging maybe we could play with this new toy before we eat it I can't wait.~~ wait for me lala~ follows lala.

Dipsy: *thinking as he grabs his chainsaw* a new toy huh.... *begins to have a grin on his face* I wonder~ I wouldn't mind if we have another toy with us~ *looks at a room that has the name Ron with a red bloody heart* maybe Ron would love to have a friend.~ well we just wait and see "if" my brother enjoys him~ *begins to follow the girls*

**as the three of them were heading towards to their big brother Tinky Winky begins to noticed them as he had a smirk and still holding walten as well as walten was very worried since he can't escape send stinky winky script was very strong as Dipsy, Lala and po finally came close to their brother with a smile

Lala: hello there Tinky Winky I am glad you're back.

Po: as well~ **see walten as her tail start to waggle** is that a new toy for us to play or is it dinner?

Tinky Winky: **looks at walten** hmm I dont know po

Dipsy: **looking at walten as his body was keeping his chainsaw very close to him as his head started to crawl** how about we keep it alive for ron he will love a new friend~

Lala: ya! Maybe he will show us new games to play~ ** her tail was waggling before looking at her sister**

Po: ya new game! new game! new game! new game! ** she was very cheerful and mostly very excited when she heard games**

Tinky Winky: ** begins to chuckle when he saw his sisters excited and happy** all right then we'll keep him how about we head home and looks like it's going to rain tonight

Dipsy: ** pick up his head as it was still keeping an eye on walten** good idea we don't want our new "guest~" catch a cold. ** he said as he started to walk back to their home**

Po: **she started to follow her brother she was skipping and happily if her Four Paws.

Lala just listen to the footsteps of her siblings along with po's happy feet before leaving Tinky Winky with walten alone.

Tinky Winky: looks at walten call yourself lucky Teletubby we're going to spare you from eating you however if you dare break the rules we will eat you even though I won't recommend running away because these Woods are more dangerous than it looks~

He changed the position of how he's carrying him and put him on his shoulder before walking back home with walten had a terrifying face mostly afraid kind of worried of how is he going to get out of this one knowing that this could have been no way especially with the warning he heard about other dangers in the woods and for his own safety he how to plan to just play along and to see what he can find to escape before then taken to the domain of the wolves.


I am so sorry everyone I'm slowly coming back this would be part one however I do want some help which Slendytubbies do you want me to add when it comes to the dangers of the Woods and I'm thinking to draw them if it's possible. And keep an eye part 2 will be longer than this I promise I won't disappoint but stay tuned everyone cheesy out~

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