im sorry

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Cheese: I don't know what to say anymore I am surprised that people are reading this but I am so sorry to everyone to all who is seeing this I know you're interested but time for me to Spill the Beans despite I ran out of beans

For the past few months or almost a year I've been working non-stop since now I have two jobs to those who remember that I've been searching for a job until I finally not one but two and so with me going into full-time it's getting hard for me to get back into having time for myself as well as having ideas of making books...

I love to read books but the thing is make an ideas and trying to make it work it's hard for me sense of how tired I could become you may think this is a lazy pathetic excuse you could say that mostly because I have no clue what I'm doing sometimes I just say whatever that comes to my mind with no plan.

Mostly half of the time

So I will say I'm going to stop

In the future I hope that things will change and I will have that little spark I had years ago it's kind of melting like the little cheese I am

So I'll say this again I am sorry I hope you can all forgive me for wasting time on waiting a chapter like this....

See you in the next cheese Nation I am cheesy melting off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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