Chapter 22: Baby

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( Time Skip : One Month Later )


A month has passed after the warning my uncle gave us and it has been a stressful one.

We kept getting warning and threats from him, we haven't yet left the country because hector might attack at our house there at Italy and it may cause trouble for Levi.

Right now I'm currently have my head over the toilet seat and puking my guts out, after a few minutes I stood up and washed my mouth out.

I have been vomiting mostly in the morning since a week ago, but I just ignored it because I know it's just from the stress this past month.

Spiting out the water from my mouth I wiped my mouth and went out, Going to the kitchen I smelt something unpleasant.

Nearing the stove I looked to see Ashanty cooking, "Ash what are you cooking it smells awful" I said to her still disgusted of the smell.

"Hm, it's just some eggs" Ashanty replied looking at me confused but turned into worry.

"Umm, Amore when was your last period?" she suddenly asked, I looked at her  "Last month which reminds me I'm already 2 weeks late" I say.

"Amore, when you and Ace did it, did he use protection?" she asked, I looked at her then gasped "N-No" I say.

She turned off the stove and grabbed my hand then dragged me to her room, she then let go of my hand and went to her bathroom.

Not even a second later she was already in front of me, "Take two" she said handing me a box of pregnancy tests.

I nodded at her went to the bathroom and peed on the two sticks, I then washed my hands and went out to hand her the test.

She put it on the dresser "Wait for 3 minutes" she said I just nodded, every second that passed I became more nervous and nervous.

When we heard the timer go off, I looked at Ashanty "You go check it" I say to her as I was more than nervous.

Ashanty picked it up then looked at me, "What?" I said to her then.....she smiled at me "I'm gonna be an Aunt" she said and hugged me.

I stood there frozen then it sank in "I'm gonna be a mom" I mumbled then wrapped my hands around Ashanty.

We hugged each other tight, after a few minutes I pulled away.

"Keep it a secret first" I say to her, "When are you gonna tell him?" she asked.

"Tomorrow" I say firmly, "but let me go to the mall so that I can buy him a gift" I say to her to which she nodded.

"Be safe and comeback early" she said to me, "Yes mom" I said jokingly.

She stared at me with an unamused look but smiled again.

"Ok I'm going" I said she nodded and I quickly went upstairs to change.

I brought some weapons such as two knifes and a small gun then tucked it under my shoes and thigh.

After I went downstairs to the car, I didn't bother telling Ace since he has a meeting and I didn't want to disturb him.

I got in my car and started driving to the mall.


After a few minutes I arrived at the mall, I went to a baby store to buy a small sock and also a shirt my a 'Daddy's boy' print but since I didn't know the gender I also bought a girl version.

Buying other stuff such as a box and many random things.

It was in the mall for about 2 hours now, so before going home I went to the food court to eat.

I ordered and took a seat but I suddenly feel that I was being watched.

Seeing that there aren't many people at my spot, I stood up but before I could even go to crowded spot.

I felt a cloth on my mouth and nose, I tried to fight breathing in but failed.

Seconds later I fell into pure darkness.____________________________________Hi Starlies! Chapter 22 has ended, I know that it's quite short but trust me there will be a lot happening this coming chapters since the story is coming to an end, Hope you guys enjoyed it!

QOTD: Whose your favorite character?

Mine: I really like Levi

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