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(A Year Later)


I was waiting for the love of my life as the most important people for us was now walking down the aisle.

Levi was now walking down the aisle pushing a baby stroller with our son Amaris in it, he also carrying a basket containing our rings in it.

After Marian and Alejandro showed up, they walked but stopped halfway to wait for Ammora.

I began to feel nervous, I looked at Appolo who was standing next to me and he gave me a reassuring smile.

Then the doors opened revealing the light the life, my stellina, Ammora.

She was walking down the aisle and she looked like a goddess.

I kept thinking how I could I deserve someone like her, who is a angel in disguise.

She now met up with her parents in the middle of the aisle.

They walked up to me now and before handing her to me, "Better treat her right" Alejandro threatened and I nodded in response then grabbed Ammora's arm.

"You look gorgeous, princess" I said in her ear.

"You look like your dashing self love" she whispered back and now faced the alter.

The priest now started the wedding.

It was now time for the vows.

"Do you Acezikiel De Rossi accept Ammora White as your lawful wife?" the priest asked.

"I do" I replied looking her eyes, my hands holding hers.

He no faced Ammora.

"Do you Ammora White accept Aceziel De Rossi as your lawful husband?" he asked her.

"I Do" she answered almost immediately.


"In the name of God, I, Acezikiel De Rossi, take you, Ammora White, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow." I started.

"Hi princess, the moment I laid my eyes on you I knew you were the one, the moment you took care of levi in that store when he got lost I knew we we're destined together. The amount of happiness you gave is beyond compare to anything. The gift you gave me, Amaris will always be my favorite. Many would have said that the you changed me and I will say otherwise because you didn't make me, I chose to, I changed for you, to feel that I'm worthy of you. You gave life and light to my heart again, you gave me hope to change and be better for us. Thank you for that, I promise you that whatever happens in the future we will face together. I love you always and forever my princess." I said my eyes were now on her, she was crying and I wiped her tear.

"I love you too" she said and she now took out her paper that contained her vow.

"In the name of God, I, Ammora White, take you, Acezikiel De Rossi, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow." she stated.

"Love, Hi. I will start by saying thank you, thank you because though I wasn't ready you waited for me, you waited for me to trust you by also trusting me. Thank you because you made me feel loved and safe. You gave me the love and care that I longed for, the love and care that my heart was hollow for, thank you for filling in that hollow spot. The patience that you have is simply amazing, the patience that used just to be able to give me everything. I promise you that I will try to reciprocate that patience and also give you the love and care that you and our son deserves. I love you my prince always and forever" she vowed.

The priest now continued the wedding.

"With the power given to me by our Lord God, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife.  You may now kiss the bride" the priest said.

With that I leaned in to give her a kiss full of love and relief.

Cheers were now heard from around us but I could only focus on the woman that is now wife and will forever be my Mia Stellina.


Hi Starlies! Mia Stellina has officially ended, I hope you guys enjoyed it!

The amount of tears I was trying to hold back while writing this is just..... Ahhhhhhh. I don't want it to end but here we are. 

Hope you guys enjoyed the love story of Ace and Ammora, thank you for tuning in.


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