Chapter 13- Becoming a family

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Third POV

It's 2 months since Zayn and Harry had last seen each other

2 months since Harry move back to his parents house and was depressed

2 months since Zayn stopped caring about life and stopped going to work

They both felt like their life was over and that they wouldn't be able to continue without each other, but non of them wanted to go look for each other first.

Harry had finally sent the divorce papers with his signature on multiple times, but every time Zayn got them he would just ripped the paper and throw it to the floor.

He had started to drink every day, he thought it helped him forget, but it only caused him more pain.

Everyone was worried for both of them but Shawn was worried sick about Zayn, he knew everything and couldn't take it anymore and he told Niall, and during those 2 months they trying to prove that the pictures where fake and the finally did.

And now they where knocking on Zayn's door.

Zayn then goes and opens it.

"What do you guys want?" He asked annoyed.

"Wow, Shawn wasn't lying when he said that you looked dead," Niall said.

"Zayn you where wrong," Shawn said out of nowhere making Zayn confused.

"About what?" He asked confused.

"Harry never cheated on you," Niall said giving him the proof.

Once Zayn look at them he started crying.

"He will never forgive me," he said crying.

"Look, I don't like what you did to Harry, but I know you two love each other so much to just give up easily," Niall said serious. "So go take a shower, change and go look for your husband."

Zayn then did as Niall said and when he was done he walked to the living room where they where.

Harry in the other side was in the doctors office waiting for results of why he has been feeling sick for the past month.

Then the doctor comes in with a smile in his face.

"There's not bad new, everything is perfect," he said.

"So why have I been feeling sick," Harry asked confused.

"It's normal when you are pregnant," the doctor said.

"Pregnant?" Harry asked shocked.

"Yes Mr. Malik, you are having a baby," he said smiling.

Harry was so happy, that he went home distracted things about the baby.

He was walking when he then bumped into someone.

He turned to look who it was and saw the same guy he has bumped into multiple times.

"Bumping into each other is our destiny," Zayn said smiling.

Harry smiled too.

"I have to talk to you," they both said at the same time. "You go first," they said together again.

"You go," Harry said.

"I want to apologize to you for the stupid jerk I was, and asked for your forgiveness," he said with a sad face.

Harry was shocked, he never had expected Zayn to say sorry.

"I was dumb for believing Gigi, for thinking that you would cheat on me, for destroying our love," he said with tears falling down.

"You though I had cheated on you?" Harry asked hurt.

"She had should me so pictures, then today Niall and Shawn came with proves that they where fake, I know this doesn't justifies or change anything I did, but I just want you to know that I am truly sorry for hurting you, for destroying the love you had for me, for making you hate me and stop loving me," Zayn said crying.

Harry was also crying

"I don't hate you Zayn, I could never hate you, I love you, and like I told you de day I left I will always love you, you are the love of my life," Harry said crying.

Zayn then hugged Harry

"You have no idea how much I hate myself for hurting you, because you are also the love of my life and I hurtled you," Zayn said still crying.

Harry then grabbed Zayn's face and started kissing him.

They both got lost in each other

Minutes later they separated because of lack of breathing.

"I'm pregnant," Harry says once he gets enough of air to talk.

"Omg," Zayn yelled and spinning Harry happily. "We are going to be parents," he yelled again happily.

He didn't cared if people was looking at him, he was happy that he got his husband back and that now they were becoming a family.

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