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"Thank you, Liam. I really appreciate you getting me from here," I say as I climb into the car.

"It's no problem at all, love." He drives away and I relax at the realization that I will be away from every problem at home for a while. "But, why did you want to leave home?"

"It just really gets on my nerves that everyone's complaining about everything and everyone and I am tired of being the center of everything. If there are fifty thousand dollars missing, it's my fault. If there's a note on my mirror, it's Niall's fault. If there's a man trying to rape me, everyone cares about me and worries and I am sick of all the pity! I hate it to hear stuff like, 'April, you okay?' or 'don't think of this night'. There comes a point I just can't do this anymore."


"Yeah, I know I'm crazy but... I don't know..."

"Well, we're here." He grasps my hand and gives it a little squeeze. I see that he really is sorry for what he's done and that he didn't mean it.

"Thanks," I smile at him, and he smiles back.

"It's okay, it's really no problem." Liam takes my bag and I walk through the threshold into Liam's dad's house.

"Mr. Payne, hi, I am so sorry for coming here, I just don't know where I should go as long as I am away. I will look for hotels around here for the nights, but I appreciate that I could come here right now." I shake Mr. Payne's hand and he leans in for a hug. Liam's family is very, almost too friendly.

"You won't sleep all alone in a hotel, love, you will stay here of course!"

"No, it's fine, I can afford to sleep in a hotel for some nights," I still am not too sure about spending time with Liam. I like him, because he literally is the first person I trusted so quickly and this can't be a bad thing, can it?

"Absolutely not, April. You will stay here, it's okay, we have a room left where you can sleep." I can't deny his offer, this would be quite impolite.

"Well, thank you so, so much! It's for four nights, so I hope it's not too long. As soon as I'm getting on your nerves tell me and I will go. Thank you, Mr. Payne." I hug him once more. Liam and I walk upstairs into the free room and Liam places my bag on the beautiful bed in there.

"Here you go," he says whilst taking out some more pillows out of the closet.

"Thanks," I whisper. I already forgot about the stuff at home. "Can we go to the game tonight? I really need to switch off for once and I think spending time with you guys won't be that bad,"

"Of course. I planned on going there anyway. And Louis sleeps at my place tonight because the game will be long and Troy probably sleeps at this time and his parents don't want Lou to wake him."

"Yay, sleep over!" I giggle and Liam walks out of the room, giggling as well. I change to black jeans and a wide light blue shirt. I don't wear make-up, not even mascara. I don't care if Niall sees me without make-up, I don't care about anything today.


"Hey, Paxie!" Harry greets me the way Eric does usually.

"Hi, Harry." He hugs me? Why is everybody here in hugging mood?

"April," Tina nods at me.

"Hello, Tina. Sophia." I shake their hands. "Zoe." She's dressed so bitchy and slutty again. How can a girl dress with so less clothes? I check the football court if I find Eric, and as I turn to start weird and awkward small talk with the girls, I find Tina snogging with Niall again.

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