The Start of Corruption

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Jordan looked up at the tall tree that Tom called home. He'd always feel somewhat nostalgic whenever he saw it, most likely because it resembled Jerry's Tree. The original one, the one he lived in before he appeared on the beach in Mianite. He knocked on the door, hoping that Tom would be up. By now, the sun had risen and it was a lot easier to see with its light. Though, it was still pretty early but Jordan really didn't want to go back home and risk another... Encounter with the Tainted statue. After a minuet of waiting, Jordan knocked again though this time a bit more forceful. He heard something fall and a muffled curse before loud, even through the door, thumping footsteps drew closer to the door. The lock clicked and Tom's face appeared, looking barely awake and very unhappy at being woken up.

"Uh, hi Tom. Sorry, did I wake you up?"

He nodded and yawned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as best he could. He opened the door wider and gestured for Jordan to come in.

'I guess he's not awake enough to talk..' Jordan thought to himself as he stepped inside, shutting the door behind him. He heard a familiar scuttling noise before a small force pushed at his leg. He looked down and saw a small silver luggage, Terrance (or at least one of them), who was nudging his leg affectionately.

"Hey Terrance. How you doin' bud?" Jordan smiled and knelt down, patting the luggage on its top. It nuzzled into his hand and he chuckled, rubbing its head. ((Would luggages even have heads??))

"So, any reason you decided to come over this fuckin' early?"

Jordan looked up to see Tom, looking slightly more awake, standing in front of him and leaning against one of his chests. Jordan wanted to tell him about what had happened with the Taint and the voices, but the words died on his tongue.

'He'd probably think I'm crazy..'

Jordan shook his head and stood up, making Terrance scuttle off to wherever he and the other luggages normally stayed.

"Not really. I woke up kind of early and decided to stop by. You said you had something planned yesterday, yeah?"

Tom looked confused for a second before his eyes light up in recognition.

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that."

'Somehow that doesn't surprise me..'

"Well, see I found this really cool looking fortress in the Twilight Forest! And I was thinking that you and I could go check it out and loot it. Sound like something you're interested in?"

Jordan thought for a second before nodding. He had nothing better to do, no important machines or items to make that day, and going back into town wasn't an option; so he might as well.

"Sure, sounds like it'd be fun! When do you wanna head out?"

"Why not right now? I mean, we're both already up anyways so, might as well."

"Yeah, alright. Meet you at the portal?"

"I'll be there in ten."

Then Jordan waved and exited the house, making his way over to the portal. After around seven minuets, he finally arrived. But normally, the swirling purple vortex was calming to look at and look inviting. Now it seemed like a black hole, ready to swallow him up and never spit him back out. The shade of purple made him feel slightly paranoid, as thoughts of the voices and Taint filled his mind. He backed away from the portal slightly, feeling a strange sense of dead as he stared into it.

'I'm being ridiculous.. There's nothing wrong with the portal! I've gone through it plenty enough times to know that by now.'

His thoughts wee interrupted by the sound of a familiar voice calling his name. Looks like Tom had arrived. Jordan turned and waved at him as he came to a stop in front of him.

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