"This is fun"

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Max's P.O.V

Turning my alarm off as I hear Imagine Dragons song Monster starts blaring, I check the time and groan as my bedroom door busts open relieving my older twin brothers

"C'mon up you get!" Alexander or Alex is the older one out of the pair. Alex and Alec are identical twins

"Go away", I groaned as they ripped away my sheets causing me to glare at them, which made them coo at me like a pup.

"Aww is Maxie angwy ad us?" I glare at Alec more for his comment but my glare fades as they both decide to lay next to me and cuddle me like we did as pups, but they like to be rude and lick my cheeks.

"Alec, Alex leave me alone please its too early", I whine wiping their slobber off me, escaping their grasp going to my bathroom and brush my teeth before getting dressed, putting on a random black rock band shirt, jeans, leather jacket that hides my sleeve tattoo and then my socks and sneakers. Looking around my room, grabbing my school bag and phone, heading down the stairs to greet my dads, putting my bag on the counter. I kissed my Dad's cheek and then my Papa's. Papa is the former Alpha and Dad is the former Luna; the twins have their mate.

"Morning Dad, hey Papa"

"Hey Maxie" Dad says, giving me a kiss on the forehead in return as Papa gives me a hug.

"Alec and Alex decided to come wake me up and then SLOBBER on me like the mutts they are" I say being completely playful which makes Alex and Alec growl and then chase after me, I grabbed my bag and car keys to my truck.

"LOVE YA!" I shouted as I hopped into my truck and drove to school.

'Also, Happy birthday son/Maxie' I heard my dads and my brothers say throughout mindlink

[At school]

I parked my truck in the car park at school, turning the engine off before grabbing my phone and bag, hopping out my truck, shutting the door and moving away from my car just as my best friend parked next to me in his car.

"Happy Birthday Max" Jack said, getting out of his car with our other friends Hayden and Wes.

"Yeah Happy 18th man" I smiled for a second as my alter self shows through, the guys have seen me at home and they know that this is how I deal with school.

"Ready to find your sexy ass man?" I heard Hayden say throwing his arm over my shoulder, I shrugged.

"Don't care" 'Max don't say that' 'You and I both know I don't mean this Vince.. alter ego remember' 'I know but still'

"Max?" Hayden saying my name pulled me out of my conversation with Vince.

"What?" I asked as Jack pointed over the car park, I spotted why they got my attention, Angelo Hades, my attention turns to Wes.

"There he is, the new Alpha of the Hades pack. Tonights gonna be fun for me" Wes says, yeah Wes is part of the Hades', Wesley is Angelo's half brother but my dad doesn't care and I don't he's cool, I felt someone staring at me. I look back to see Angelo looking over to us, I pull out my vape and put it to my lips breathing in the flavoured smoke, before rolling my eyes as I flip him off, starting to walk towards the school.

"What sticks up your ass Max?" I heard Angelo say, turning back to face his direction.

"Don't EVER call me Max, Angelo. Your not my friend so fuck off prick", I spat vemon laced through my words while internally I'm kicking myself and yelling that I need to keep my mouth shut before I get hurt, turning around and heads towards school ignoring the growls I can hear from Angelos beta Jessie.

"You're a spoiled brat Maxwell!" I ignored him and made my way into school and headed to the football field with the guys, sitting on the other side of the field avoiding everyone. None of them said anything, I just sighed "Happy fucking birthday to me" I mumbled, noticing a few she-wolves from both my pack and Angelos heading this way.

"Great the slut's are on their way over. I don't want tits in my face, thanks. I'd rather be on my knees in front of dick thank you" I mumble so only the guys hear, causing them all to howl in laughter, they all know I'm gay, everyone in the school knows but these girls dont get that. They each place themselves on our laps.

"Hey babe" Ashley, the she-wolf from Angelos pack says trying to kiss me only for me to shove her off my lap.

"Fuck off. Unless you've suddenly grown a 12 inch dick and lost the tits, you can get away from me" I snarl as my eyes go purple as Vince comes forward a little. "So take the hint 'babe' I am not going to fuck you. I'd rather be the one getting fucked" I saw her gasp and the other girls from Angelos pack look shocked.

"Your gay?" Ashley screeched making me roll my eyes and rub my face, before I grab Hayden by his collar and kiss him HARD making Vince gag but he knows its for a good reason, Hayden doesn't stop me he kisses me back just for show, I hear half the girls run off and the other half (from my pack) just stunned. I pull away from Hayden, licking my lips and smirking.

"I forget how good you are at kissing Maxie" Hayden chuckles, I don't stop him from calling me Maxie. Hayden is bisexual so me kissing him is childs play, I've known Hayden since we where pups same with Jack. Wes I've known since I was 6 when Papa and Dad took me over to the Hades' pack to sort out our alliance between the packs, we played together while our parents and brothers talked about things, Alex and Alec are 3 years older then me and Angelo is 4 months older then Wes and I'm sadly born on the same day as 'Angel'.

"Thanks, Hayden" I watched Ashley look disgusted, getting up and running away, which made all of us laugh.

[Lunch time 12:30]

Walking into the cafeteria was normal, I had my headphones blasting music, my leather jacket in my locker so my sleeve tattoo is on show. Teachers don't care. I walk over to the usual table in the corner of the cafeteria ignoring the looks I'm probably getting from Jessie. Sitting on my chair putting my feet on the table. I hate how I have to be the 'bad boy' just want to be me. I hate making people angry at me, but I just can't help it. I checked the time '12:34' 1 minute before I'm officially 18, I felt the others arrive with their food, I don't eat at school, it's nasty here. I was pulled out my thoughts when I heard Vince 'MATE!' Vince shouted in the back of my mind. I looked up, smelling a mix of lavender and pomegranate. My actions cause the guys to look my way..

"No.." my eyes locked with Angelo's hearing Vince purr, I saw Wes out the corner of my eye watch where I was looking.

"Well, looks like you ARE gonna be my brother" He said, making me look at him in shock before making a run for it. Ignoring the whispers, running to my locker, grabbing my jacket, bag and keys, running to my truck, starting it up, driving home trying not to cry. I got home, left my truck running, and I ran into the house up to my room, tears falling from my face. Slamming my door shut, and throwing myself on my bed and CRIED. I'm sure my Dad is gonna be the one to come comfort me.. I heard my bedroom door open and smelt Alec walk into my room.

"Pops turned your truck off" He said softly sitting on my bed next to where I lay, I felt him rub my back. "What happened? Who do Alex and I have to go skin alive?" I turned to look at him, pretty sure my eyes are bloodshot from crying.

"Angelo" I mumble, sniffling softly.

"Alpha Angelo?" I saw Alex in the doorway looking very pissed off. "What did he do?" Alex asked, as I sat up

"He..." I hug my knees. "He's my mate" I mumble "And you both know how I am at school.. I'm the bad boy.. and I just ran away like the scared pup I am.." I hid my face into my knees as I felt both Alec and Alex hug me tightly.

"Want to go tell pops and dad?" they asked at the same time.

"Don't do that," I said.

"Don't do what?" they said smirking, which ended up with me hitting them with my pillow. I made my way down to my parents room.


This has been heavy edited and there will be changes throughout the story, thanks to my best friend being my editor and helping me (low-key making me feel stupid but meh someones gotta be the stupid one in our duo), so please excuse any dumbassery.

The alphas "bad boy" mate (OLD STORY. NEW ONE BEING RE-WRITTEN NOW)Where stories live. Discover now