He just ran away?..

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Angelo's P.O.V

I checked my phone to see I have happy birthday messages from all my pack, and friends on facebook, shaking my head smiling getting ready for school, before heading down to the kitchen where I am greeted by everyone, including my best friend Jessie and my little brother Wesley

"Happy Birthday dude" Jessie said giving me a bro hug, as I heard Wesley mumble a happy birthday.

"Thanks guys" I said with a smile before sitting down to eat my food.

"So I heard it's also Max Richman's birthday", Jessie said, making Wesley scoff at him looking up from his phone.

"Jack and Hayden are coming to get me" he said walking past us but not before elbowing Jessie in the head, which made me chuckle quietly. "Also Jess, it's Maxwell to you not Max. Later Angel" Wes walked out the door.

"Later Wes" I said as he shut the front door, looking at Jessie.

"Dude why did you laugh?" He asked.

"You asked for it. You know Wes is protective" I finished my food before grabbing my bag and phone, yelling later to my Mom's.

"Later my Angel!" I heard Momma shout from her office, dragging Jessie out the door to my car, getting in and heading towards the mutual ground, parking up, I spotted Max's truck, not gonna lie it's a cool truck. Turning the engine off, I walk behind my car and look over to the small group of the bad boys which includes my baby brother Wes.

"There he is, the new Alpha of the Hades pack. Tonights gonna be fun for me" I hear Wes say to Max, I guess he felt someone look at him. I look back to see him looking over at me, He pulled out his vape and put it to his lips breathing in the flavoured smoke, before rolling his eyes and flipping me off, starting to walk towards the school, this annoyed me which ended up me stupidly yelling.

"What sticks up your ass Max?" I watch him spin around to say something.

"Don't EVER call me Max, Angelo. Your not my friend so fuck off prick" I could hear the vemon laced through his words as he, turned around and heads towards school ignoring the growls he was getting from my beta (Jessie). I smacked Jessie, I honestly no have no idea why I did that, I heard my wolf Skye talk to me 'Wanna explain why you hit him?' I couldn't hear the smirk in his voice, he knew something. 'Why are you smirking Skye?...' I asked, while walking into the school heading to my first class.

[Lunch time 12:30]

I was sat at my usual table as I saw Max walk in, his sleeve tattoo showing, 'That is sexy' I was confused at my own thought. 'Do I find Max attractive?... no I can't I'm straight?...' (A/N: Yeah as a fucking circle Angel. Your Max-sexual) I was suddenly pulled out my thoughts when it hit me, the most amazing scent ever. It's a mix of strawberries and leather, I look up and my eyes instantly lock with Max's, he looks shocked and I heard Wesley comment.

"Well you're DEFINITELY my brother now" I watched as Max looked at Wed in shock before he ran out the cafeteria to goddess knows where.

"He just ran away?.." I mumble and I hear Jessie.

"Good riddance" he said, which made Skye and I pissed, growling menacingly in his direction

"NEVER DISRESPECT MY MATE" Jessie looked like he was going to shit a brick, before he showed his neck in submission, I sat down again looking at Wesley's table, they all looked confused but none of them followed, guessing they know not to go after Max when he is in a hurry, I watched as Wesley walked over to us. Looking at Jessie, and smirked as Jessie started to blush.. embarrassed?..

"Think you fucked up Jess. You just made Angel angry at you.. guess you gotta get over your hate crush on Angel's precious Maxie" I just sat quietly as Skye internally smirked, proud of Wes for standing up for my mate, he looked back at me.

The alphas "bad boy" mate (OLD STORY. NEW ONE BEING RE-WRITTEN NOW)Where stories live. Discover now