oh, so your big now?

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The pancakes, all made and stacked with a small bit of butter and sugar, were ready for the small (big, like really big) boy in the shower as Greta decided what she was going to do as she prepared the table. She figured that the normal lessons would be fine, but maybe she could change them slightly, seeing as he has had the same thing over and over again. Perhaps that would be better when he's finished eating however.

It was then when Greta remembered something; Brahms won't always be little. What if he's just as vicious as he was the night before with his 'other' voice.

This was something she'll bring up along with breakfast but instead of worrying for now she decided to knock on the bathroom door to see if he was finished, after all the shower didn't seem to be on.

A small gasp and heavy but wet footsteps got closer to the door and it was quickly opened, but only by a crack.

There stood Brahms, mask on his face and covering his body.

"You can't come in yet."
He said this in a small embarrassed voice.

"Why not? Your not showering anymore and I need to teach you have to shave."
Greta didn't understand what was up with Brahms, so she opened the door fully, ready to tell him there's nothing to be ashamed of and he needed to trust her until she saw why.

She remembered everything else. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash from her room. A razor, shaving cream and extra pajamas from Mr. Heelshire's room. Everything but 1 key item.

A towel

Out of all things to forget, she missed the most important and made the mistake of opening the door as Brahms started struggling to over himself with the shower curtain, body wet and not covered well.

Immediately she started apologising and rushed to get a towel she still had folded on her bed, where she forgot it.

She got back to the bathroom and covered the boy in it, telling him it was okay, it was her fault and that he didn't need to be embarrassed. Still holding him, Greta guided him back to sit on the toilet seat and started to rub his arms and torso dry and turned around for him to do his legs and 'other bits' so to speak.

When he was done he tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around. Grabbing the pajama bottoms, she explained that she was going to close her eyes and help him get in to his PJ's. He nodded, ears and shoulders still flushed as he stepped in, and got his lower half covered.

Greta opened her eyes and stood up from her kneeling position.

As she stood, she looked at Brahms. He was a very pretty man. 6'3, built well but not too much and was pretty lanky. She mentally noted to feed him more.

She slowly raised her arms to take of the mask, making sure Brahms saw every move and was able to stop her if needed. He made no such move and Greta was able to remove the item, kissing the man on the nose and grabbing the shaving cream.

She was able to make quick work of the ordeal and eventually she was done.

Now shaven, washed and complimented for his good behaviour and how he was such a good boy for sitting still, Brahms was smiling and happy, no longer embarrassed as he had completely forgotten it.

The pair soon went down passed the kitchen and to the dining room where the pancakes where still warm and orange juice was laid out for Brahms and a hot coffee for Greta, just as she left it. They sat down and ate in relative silence until Brahms sat up, breakfast done and stared at the lady before him.

"Why did you stay?"

The deep voice completely caught the American off guard as she choked on her coffee. So use to hearing the high pitched and shy voice, this new rough one caught her off guard.

"I thought you was little?"
She said despite the shock.

"You obviously didn't do that much research them did you?" Brahms said, voice sarcastic, "I'm not always small, and if that's the case then sorry but your stuck here now. After all,"

The pause lingered just slightly,

"Your mine now anyway."

Memories back to the letter flashed behind Greta's  eyes as she searched for an answer that would be suitable for the dangerous man infront of her.

Despite knowing what he did, and now also knowing he wasn't always small, she found that she didn't care, wanting to give this man a new chance in the world and wanted to teach him right from wrong. He obviously still cared for her, as he had plenty of time to attack and he hasn't been rude.

"I'm okay with that, staying that is."
This took him by suprise and he simply finished his drink and goes to stand up.

"You sit back down now please, we need to talk, and it's better now that your big. It's do I can help you, I promise."

The tone of her voice wavered slightly but he did as she asked, nervous as someone actually wanted to help him.
"Okay, what about?"

"Classes for when your little and how to help you in day to day life."

Eventually they had the conversation, though Brahms certainly didn't make it easier with his short answers but eventually they decided on what to do and new rules.

New, more modern lessons,

New music (slowly though),

Greta can go to the town about 10 minutes away to get clothes and other necessities,

If Brahms is upset, go to Greta and she will help,

Don't steal eachothers things,

And finally

Don't hurt eachother.

These rules came on top of the old 10 and both parties where satisfied. So together they looked at new lessons and decided that if Brahms ever finds himself younger (he told Greta that he could go 2-8, he was very embarrassed even as he was big but she still comforted him) that his lessons will differ with age and he will have a free period to do what he wants.

This was a newer, happier life for the two.
No more abusive ex boyfriend,
No more neglecting parents,
And hopefully
No more murder.
Hey, I just wanted to say this will probably be a 5 chapter story but anyone can continue it as long as they let me know somehow cause I really want to read more The Boy fanfics, especially age reg, but if you take out that factor it's completely fine c:

My discord is 🐝👑 AxolotlBee👑🐝#5228
My Insta is woo.draws
And my twitter is @/beeee17

I hope you enjoy and I'll get the last 2 out shortly

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