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Hi so I forgot this took place in 2016 or something along those lines and I wanted to put it in 2021 for the story! Sorry if you find this annoying but it helped me alot
Over the next few days Greta and Brahms managed to cope living with eachother, even with Brahms refusing and/or unable to be little, but that wasn't something the woman was going to force and cause a problem over. She could deal with both sides of him. Anyway, she enjoyed his company, after all, she only spoke to Malcolm once a week. But the friendly conversations never helped her forget what he did.

Despite their best efforts, the bloodstain only faded slightly with every attempt. But Greta knew it would never disappear. Plus the constant voice in her head was still questioning every decision she made. Especially the one where she stayed in the Heelshire's Mansion with the man who murdered 2 people and set a house on fire. Yeah, those voices didn't help her forget either.

But she found herself enjoying every moment she had with him. Following the rules was a breeze now that she understood and updated the lessons for all mindsets Brahms had. The updated lessons also helped Brahms get ready to be reintroduced to society.

After a week however, they soon realised that they may need to take a trip to the local town. Not only for clothes (Greta decided that one on herself, she could only watch Brahms wear those stuffy suits for so long)

But as you would think, the man in question wasn't too happy about it. Infact the entirety of his bedroom, which has only just been fixed and cleaned, knew as his temper tantrum said everything. But things started to get desperate so Greta decided to strike a deal, especially with the current situation, this would be easier then before.

"Brahms! I need to talk, come to the kitchen."
As soon as Greta shouted up the stairs, she could hear his unintentionally loud footsteps come from his father's study and come down the stairs.

The moment he got to the kitchen he was faced with Greta holding the closest to a casual outfit in his size she could and 3 black masks. Before she came to England she brought over a pack of 4 masks just to stay safe and now she got a chance to use them.

"What's all this?"

"I'm taking you to town, we have masks if your conscious and I can help you cover your other scars but we are going out today."

Greta's voice was firm and left no room for argument, but Brahms tried anyway.

"What do you mean? I can't go outside, it's against the rules!"

"Should've thought about that before you knocked out the grocery boy."

After another small argument he finally agreed with alot of reluctance. He got on his dress pants, dress shoes and very very soft (despite its age) off green sweater along with his black mask and Greta found away to get his hair to cover the right side of his face.

Finally they got a taxi into the town. Neither of them were ever able to go to the town over then a hospital trip once on Greta's half, so nobody would recognise them at all.

She held his hand the entire way, and pretended to be new as they explored the town, not realising they looked like a couple.

They found all the food they needed and as Brahms walked back to the car park, Greta tutted and dragged him towards a clothes shop.

He groaned but followed and everything went smoothly. Not only did he get more comfortable and fashionable clothes, but also pajamas and shoes. Even Greta got herself a few new outfits. Everything was fine.

To Greta anyway.

All Brahms saw, even before he got in the clothes shop, was the toy store on the opposite side of the road, and was since trying to fight off the need to be little. It was starting to get hard as he could feel that he wasn't 8 at all, but 3, and the urge to be little got stronger and stronger but he didn't want to go that path, especially in public.

After 2 hours in town Greta saw he was struggling with something and went off to pay and go to the cafe just next to the store. They got a secluded area and Greta paid for some tea and cake and brought it over.

Brahms sat quietly at the table and once Greta sat down and looked at him finally she saw the tears about to flood.

"Brahms what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Brahms simply looked at her, brought his mask down and shakily started drinking his tea. She tried again but to no avail, so she decided to try once they were done.

The moment they finished their tea and homemade cake she finally asked the question again and he spilled, quietly so she was the only one to hear, that he wanted a toy and a chewie and a bottle of milk. Greta understood and once they where ready, they left to the toy store.

They looked at the cute stuffed teddy's and bought 3 new sippy cups, a dummy and a chewie toy on a necklace and went to pay.

"Ah it's lovely to see new people in this town, especially new couples. Where's the kiddo? Or is it their birthdays soon?"

The lady at the till didn't see but Brahms grip on Greta's hand tighten and he grew closer to crying as Greta lied saying they were gifts for a nephew. She quickly paid and thanked the lady, but just as they began to leave, rain fell hard and heavy. The type of rain you have to shout or be very close to hear anyone talking.

And this seemed to be the last straw for Brahms as a sob fell out his mouth behind the mask. Then another, then the tears fell and to the average person, it simply looked like he was shivering with rain on his face, after all he had no cost.

But Greta rushed to the carpark where their taxi was waiting and managed to get Brahms to stay quiet enough to not raise suspicion until they got home. And the moment they did, the flood gates opened and Brahms collapsed on the floor, ripping off his mask and sitting crossed legs on the floor, furiously rubbing his eyes and nose as tears and wails fell out of his mouth. He was using his child voice and was obviously not feeling 28, or 8.

Greta sat on his legs and held him tightly until he hugged back and cried into her neck, until he dropped his weight and fell asleep out of exhaustion.

Unable to move him herself, Greta got him a pillow to put under his head and got all the food put away, then prepared Brahmsy some hot milk in a bottle and some of his new pjs and woke him up softly, rubbing his back until he opened his eyes.

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