Lost Not Found

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A tear fell then another and another until she was crying her heart out.

Another sleepless night. Another empty bed. Another broken heart.

The wretched cycle continues.

She is the 'wretched' one. And love is a cycle that has a definite end. Nothing lasts forever. Everything will stop at some point. And nothing will ever stay the same. Because everyone dies, everyone leaves, and everyone moves on. Everyone. Every. Single. One.

Except her.

She can't stop. She can't die. She can't leave. And even if a hundred years passed she can never move on.

But he was different. He was normal. He was kindhearted. He was imperfectly perfect. And most importantly, he was human. He's everything she will never be. And this is what attracted her to him. He was her radiant sun while she was the moon who only reflected his light.

And in moments such as this, when she is slumped on the floor beside her bed silently crying in the darkness of her room, she remembers bits and pieces of their time together.


"Where are my babies?!" She half-shouted, half-asked him in fury.

"Didn't know you had children." He answers her nonchalantly while sorting out some documents.

"You know what I mean!" She's fond of shouting.

"If you mean the cars, I sold them-"


"You can't drive that many."

"I can. I will. And I've already driven all of them."

"When I say you can't, what I mean is, you can't afford to drive all of them. We need to cut costs and trim down your expenses. I'll sell everything except for three cars so think it over and choose wisely." She can hear the ultimatum in his voice.


"No buts."


Then it suddenly stops, the memory fades and she cries again. Harder this time. Louder than the last. More painful than when she first cried that night. It still hurts. It still breaks her. Every time. Every night. And every waking hour of her wretched life. He was gone. She lost him. And he will never be found.



Just a short one because it's sad.

I wonder, have you ever cried yourself to sleep at night?

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