Night Talk

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It's pitch dark. Outside, a new moon hangs on a cloudless sky. And inside his room, not one light was kept on. His eyes only register the nothingness but his senses can tell something is moving on the other side of his door.

A few minutes passed and the movement stopped. Then the knob was turned and someone came in. Only the faintest sound was heard when the person entered his room. Too inaudible that if he wasn't awake and intently listening, he wouldn't have heard.

Holding his breath as he keeps his silence, he laid still and unmoving. Not even the silhoutte nor the shadow of the person approaching can be seen. But he can feel it. Her steps don't make a sound but he knows she is walking towards the bed. And when she finally laid down beside him, he counted in his head and waited.

"Already sleeping?", asked the person who just came.

"Trying to.", he replies.

"Mind if I sleep beside you?", she asks again.

"No. But I don't think I'll let you."

The darkness of the night concealed her frown but he can hear it in her voice.

"Is that your way of telling me to go away?"

His replies confuse her and she can't help but ask to clarify.

"No. I won't let you leave nor will I let you sleep."

She mouthed an "Oh" as she finally understands what he means.

"You missed me?", she teases.

"I think I'm not the only one.", he smirks as he grabs her by the waist and pull her closer to him.

How he managed, she'll never know.

"I think you are."

She continues to tease him as her fingers lazily trail on his bare chest.

He swallowed hard and closed his eyes.

"Should I tell you first?", she offers.

He smiles and teases her too.

"I don't mind hearing it from you."

She rolls her eyes at this but still gave in.

"I missed you, happy?"

Then they both chuckled.

After a while, he hugs her closer and whispered,

"I am, always. Because I'm with you."

"Sweet talker."

"Just an honest man."

"You are?"

"I am."

"Then tell me what's on your mind."

But instead of answering right away, she felt him kiss her on her hair, her forehead, the tip of her nose and on her chin. Her throat felt dry at the moment while her cheeks were given light pecks too before he finally whispered,

"Do we really need words at this point?" His breath caressed her ear and left a tingling sensation to the sensitive part.

She wants to give him a witty comeback but his gentle kisses robbed her of her wits at the moment.

As if sensing her daze, he smiles as he tips her chin and kisses her on her lips passionately.



I think I need to detox my brain.

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