Chapter forty one

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Tyrin decided Shadow had officially lost her mind. She'd barely glanced at him before falling into step with the man, keeping up a steady stream of menial conversation.

He trailed them from above as they exited Aexon through its west gate. Shadow was playing her part well. Her movements lacked the grace of a killer, power smothered completely. Even her eyes had been dulled to a honeyed hue. He imagined this is what she'd be if she hadn't had the upbringing she'd had. He couldn't find it in himself to like this version of her though. She lacked the strength the real Shadow had, the personality and ambition. He couldn't relate to this female.

Shadow put up just enough of a struggle when the man grappled her to the ground and tied her arms to her sides with a length of rope that he was forced to stash the gleaming blades he took from behind a stone to drag her along. The look she shot Tyrin was clear, even from the distance he followed from. Don't leave my steel. He dutifully landed to pick them up. He counted them out of habit. She still had four.

He didn't notice the twin glide of wings until the Wind Walkers were close enough to have shot him down. Damn sleep deprivation. Fucking owl wings. Tyrin readied a blade and whirled around. Grey streaked towards him. He blew out a steady breath and loosened his grip.

"We were supposed to meet at the docks." Andreas glowered as he flapped once and landed.

Seth alighted next to him. Neither of them looked good, their swords crusted with dried blood and faces drawn. "Where is Shadow?" He asked quietly. He scanned the beds of boulders as if she might suddenly spring from behind one.

Tyrin gestured ahead. "A man has her. We think he's working with the Skraile."

"What?" The cousins hissed in unison. Their continence turned hard, defensive. Even Seth, though Tyrin knew he still held a grudge, had a spark of fear in his eyes.

"She got herself into this trouble. She knows what she's doing."

Andreas frowned. "And this was her plan?"

Tyrin shrugged and scrubbed at his face. "Of course, it was." Then his eyes narrowed slightly. "Why?"

Andreas hadn't relaxed yet. Seth remained silent. Then, "Nevermind."

Tyrin debated whether to push it, but he couldn't risk Shadow's scent fading. "Come on."

The males flanked him as they flew on silent wings. A spark of envy lit – a tiny, godsdamned spark. It had taken him years to master the stealth they instinctually had, and months more to trust himself to glide further than a few feet.

Tyrin picked up the scent of ozone, the faint zing of electricity before his vision went black. It was barely a second of darkness, but instinct had him tucking his wings in a freefall to land. A shield. The entire area was shielded from magic. Seth and Andreas crashed down next to him, both panting. The latter cursed.

"What –"

"Shh." Tyrin threw up his hand. He could hear Shadow swearing colourfully. There was a hint of true panic in her tone. His magic was a dull simmer along his ribs, elusive and trapped. He motioned them forward.

"Bastards," Shadow seethed. Two men gripped her forearms. They forced her down before all three vanished behind a rock formation.

Tyrin stilled his twitchy muscles. One. Two – Seth pushed past him.

"Don't –" He hissed.

"– It's a staircase." Seth peered down. The sounds of the trio's descent were still perceptible. The male was lucky he didn't get a knife through his throat.

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