The Lie

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A/N: After binge watching seasons 1-3 on Netflix and hunting down the episodes of Season 4 as they come out, I wanted to write about the long awaited akumatization of Marinette/Ladybug.

Marinette's POV:

"You're breaking more than my heart Marinette!"

I gasp and turn around, finding myself in the white and blue world of the near future that Bunnix and myself fixed. I glanced up and saw Chat Blanc running towards me reaching for my earrings. I gasped and backed up and looked at my hands and saw that I wasn't Ladybug but myself in civilian form. I had no way to defend myself. I ran to the edge of the building and turned towards Chat Blanc.

"Chat Noir, please!" I felt the tears running down my cheeks, "You don't have to do this!" I tried to appeal to his friendly nature before he was akumatized. But he stared at me blankly. The boy I knew and fought beside was no longer there. How long has he been alone in this wasteland? I glanced at the water behind me that touched the horizon and the bottom of the skyscraper that we were on top of. I could jump, but who knows if I would survive the fall. I looked back up at Chat Blanc.

"I'm so sorry, Chat Noir..." and with that, I threw myself off the building. I felt the air against my face as I free called towards the water below me. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the impact and I could hear Chat Blanc above me, screaming my name.

And right before the impact, I woke up...

I woke up in Mrs. Bustier's classroom next to Alya with everyone staring at me. I smiled at everyone, "I'm sorry! I haven't been sleeping well!" I did my nervous giggle. I hadn't told anyone about Chat Blanc. Not even Chat Noir. I've been having the Chat Blanc nightmares for the past month.

The bell rang for lunch.

Alya, Nino, Adrien, and myself walk out of class and down to the cafeteria to grab some lunch before science class. We sat at our table and we laughed and joked with each other. I've gotten better at talking to Adrien since I've been able to decompress the stress of being Ladybug, Guardian of the Miraculouses, and being myself with the help of Alya and a little help from Chat Noir when he comes and chats about his life as well after his patrol with Ladybug, aka me. I can look at Adrien now without freaking out.

I was so lost in thought that I hadn't noticed Lila had walked past and then tripped herself up when she passed me. Her thud is what broke me from my trance. The four of us looked at her, and Nino went to help her and asked, "Are you okay?"

Lila cried and bent over to hold her ankle, "No! Marinette tripped me!" That's when the whole of the cafeteria looked at me.

"I didn't trip her! She's lying again!" I glanced at Alya and Adrien for backup.

Alya stood up, "Marinette has been talking to us this whole time, she didn't even notice Lila walking by!"

Lila wailed on, "Why do you hate me so much, Marinette?!" She cried that her ankle was broken and she went to the nurse. In science class, I was called to the principal's office.

Oh you've got to be kidding me. I grabbed my stuff and walked to Mr. Damocles office. I opened the door and saw Lila with a ankle brace on and I inwardly groaned and sat down next to her. I tried defending myself over and over again but Mr. Damocles believed Lila over me again.

Furious that I had been suspended again, I went home. My parents asked why I was home so early and I slammed my bedroom door. And then I heard the phone ring. Everything went by in a blur. All I could think about was how much I wanted to make Lila pay. She's constantly lying and getting me in trouble all because she wants Adrien to herself.

I screamed into my pillow and that's when I felt it. I felt the seduction, the warmth, and the soothing embrace of an akuma. My vision blurred and all I could see was everything in violet. That's when I heard his voice.

"Princess Justice! I've long awaited your arrival. Your friends and classmates don't believe your innocence in your classmates lie; I'm granting you the power to expose the lies and get justice for being the victim yet again of Lila's lies. All I ask in return are Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraculous." Shadowmoth whispered in my mind.

I heard Tikki call for me and try to get me to snap out of it. I knew if I accepted his offer, I would have to take my earrings off and leave them here and surrender them over to him. Unless I give them to Tikki and I get close to Shadowmoth to reveal his identity and take Lila down. That's two birds with one stone. I just need to hope I don't get caught up in Shadowmoth's power.

I grin, "it's a deal Shadowmoth."

A/N: Wow! I enjoyed writing this! Comment what you think in the comment section!

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