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(I'm gonna throw a bit of spyper in this. Just for some extra flavor >:D)

We had finally arrived to the base, and I parked the eccentric hot-rod in the dirt. I was about to announce our arrival to the blonde next to me, only to discover him fast asleep. I can imagine he didn't get much sleep last night. I laughed through my nose and exited the car, walking to the passenger side, and softly opened his door. I scooped him up bridal style, and held him close to my chest. He had a little bit of drool rolling down his chin, that I used a calloused thumb to wipe it off with. Absolutely adorable. He snored a bit, and snugged himself even closer to me.

I had quite the stupid smile on my face, as we walked back to the rooms.

Sure, it was only around 1:30, but whatever. I began humming a little tune as I fiddled with my array of keys, looking for the one to open the base's front doors.

•crunch, crunch•

I figured it was the spy, wondering about his son. Scout began to stir awake, and immediately sensed the hostile presence. He whispered, "Spy. He's here." I nodded, and confirmed. "Yup. Im gonna get you to your room, then... talk to him." I said, as I finally opened the door. I was still carrying him bridal style into the base, while everyone was playing blackjack at the dining table. Everyone except spy, that is.

They each directed their attention towards me, and the boy in my arms. I scoffed at them, still angry from this morning, and walked down the corridors. I could hear pyro cheering, and clapping. I smiled to myself, knowing that the pyromaniac is one I could confide in.

I opened scouts door, and laid him down on his messy, unmade bed. I kissed his forehead, and tucked him into thin covers. "I'll be right back, okay? If I'm gone for more than an hour, assume I'm dead." I joked, to lighten the mood.

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes, and whimpered out "Please, be careful."

I grinned, and left his room, closing the door behind me, I jogged to the entrance where I could communicate with spy. But before I could pull the door handle, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I whipped around, annoyed, to see the face of medic. I was taller than him by nearly 3 inches, so I looked down to him, and saw apologetic grey eyes. My eyes steeled, as I gazed into his eyes. I sighed, and pinched the bridge of my nose. I felt bad for being so harsh.

"Can I help you with- oh! Mate... you're too kind." I said sheepishly, as medic held out a freshly baked pavlova cake, an Australian trademark dessert.

"Herr sniper, I wanted to apologize correctly for my behavior this morning. I-I'm sorry, sniper, I hope you can forgive me." He said solemnly.

I smiled, and lightly punched his shoulder. "No worries, mate."

I opened the door. "And thanks."

I let the door click behind me, then put up my tough facade.

"Come out, spook." I demanded.

I heard the sounds of him uncloaking, and heard a sigh.

"Bushman, what did you do-" he snarled, as he whipped out his butterfly knife, and held it to my throat, before pushing me to the wall, and pinning me. He again was shorter than me, so in order to look him in the eyes, I had to look down.

"To my son?!" The yelled out. I sighed, and rolled my eyes. "I thought ya' were supposed 'ta be the smart one. Do I really need to explain? Hell, spook, I'll even go into detail, just for you~" I purred sarcastically. He scoffed in response, and shook his head. He pushed the knife harder against my neck, enough to draw blood. I winced, but I didn't wanna give him what he wanted. He tried to fuck with me, but I'm turning the tables. An idea popped into my head, albeit, not a great one.

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