Chapter 5

856 35 59

Tw: beating of gay cat. blood. Smoking. cussing

Chapter Five :)

꧁ "i'm getting my shit back from that pesky egg loving pussy" ꧂ ~~[—————————————————]~~

"ok..i last saw him by l'targay with puffy..."

nodding you waved your goodbyes you shut the broad door, it made a slight creaking sound, and ending with a click, or um. A bang.

"Ranboo, how do i leave snowchester?"

Ranboo let out a toothy grin, walking down towards the docks.

"You want me to follow or..yeah ok i'm coming"

Skipping down the moor, you followed close behind Ranboo. His hair swished slightly, the crisp air biting your exposed arm. ' oreo boy ' you grinned, lifting your head up slightly in the process.

"Your short, Ranboo"

"Your 6'10"

Despite having a burning hatred for this mutt, ' is he a mutt? He's not exactly a dog but still a mix breed nonetheless ' he was. Well not all that bad to be around . I still hate him though. great sense of humor, rich, smart, kind everything you'd want in a friend i guess.

"Welcome to snow chesters docks, we can get you to the community house from here."

You nodded. Taking hold of the rope, don't want him falling in now do we? ' well maybe not yet. ' He would probably melt.

Ranboo took a step onto the deck of the boat, it rocked softly to the change in weight, then held out an empty hand for you to take.

Swatting the hand away you took a step onto the ship, you had to admit it was nice. Guessing foolish built it because of the matching floral pattern on the hull along with the gold typical.

"Why wouldn't you take my hand?" ranboo frowned, crossing his arms.

"You're musty, you can't touch water, who knows how long it's been" y/n shrugged, lifting up the anchor and sliding it on the ship.

"I take dust baths tho.."




"Thanks again for the ride, ranboo."

"Anytime" ranboo respond. Waving as he walked back towards the nether portal.

"Alright. time to beat the living shit out of that bitch" you muttered opening the door.

Oh the prime path, it's old. Its oak, its old... This brings back so many memories, good and bad i guess. Mostly bad, I would rather have the good memories, like when me and Tommy used to train together. But that doesn't matter.

None of it does.

You glared up at the building ' rainbow, very pretty, now how am I gonna get in? ' the entrance was blocked, is he even in there? Maybe. The windows, yes those could work.

Sneaking up around the front y/n held a stick in their hand, the old wood caressing their slim pale fingers ' no sun '


Y/n let out a squeak turning to the direction of the sound. Hiding the sick behind their back.

"oh...hey , Antfrost."

He shifted quietly, bringing his tail with him in the process, it drug on the dirt of the uh, parking lot. His usually perky ears drooped down almost like a frown.

" this is awkward "

" you think? " y/n growled slightly, tightening their grip on the stick.

He let out an odd smile, like the one you get from the teachers after you turn in your math homework for the week. It's just a sad sight to see cause you know you failed.

And held out his arms.

" hug for an old friend..? "

You smirked, this is my chance. Y/n slid the stick into the back holster of their leather belt. And threw their arms over the old pal.

"So pal..."

You released from the hug, why is everyone so dirty like taking a damn bath.

Antfrost cocked his head sideways, ' is he that dumb? '

You took out the stick and hit him. Hard


" Where's my shit antfrost? "

He grasped the side of his head, eyes widened. Probably out of horror, or disgust. Either works.

" i don't have it"

This whore. This absolute LIAR. I know he has my stuff. And I'm gonna get it, blunt force trauma or not.

Y/n let out a snarl of disgust, hitting him in the head.

"Don't you lie to me, i know you have it"

" I promise, I don't have your stuff..."

Crybaby, I don't know why I was 'friends' with him at all. All he ever did was whine and cry.

"Mmh '' you purred, lighting the end of the stick on fire with a simple snap of your fingers, they were burned from learning how to spark them. His breath was apparent now, the rising and falling of his chest picking up in pace, fear oh fun!

"I'm gonna give you one last chance, where is my stuff"


"Liar" You chimed lodging the flaming spear into his shoulder, bursting into flames.

The oh joyous screams of pain and agony. People should die more often!

"Bye bye Mr. Frost"

Word count: 862

Authors Note:

Haha bitch boy die nerd nerd - rye

Love you <3

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