Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of someone yelling at someone; probably Michelle yelling at Astoria for doing some dumb shit again.

I didn't open my eyes yet tho,

Okay so, everything that happened was just a bad dream. Now I am gonna get up, go to the great hall have some yummy ass waffles and cereals. Go attend all my classes, probably fall asleep and earn myself detention. Yes, perfect, lovely, good, brilliant nice—

"Wake up Eliza," ugh okay, here we go, "we have to go and get Riddle, we need to escort him to the Great hall," Michelle whisper-yelled the second part. I groaned,

Okay so unfortunately that was not a dream.

I once heard that if you have a headache just tie your tie around your forehead.

He was standing there leaning against the railing of the staircase that led up to his dormitory,"Hey, Riddle! What's good?"

He looked me up and down for a good 3 minutes or so, "Um is everything alright?" His left eye twitching.

"What happened to you?"

"Um nothing interesting really, I mean I just woke up to Michelle yelling at this really dumb chic—"

"What? No I meant what happened to your—,
never mind that. Let's go." He sighed, turned around and staring waking in the direction of the great hall.  Umm okay, I guess? I had to jog to catch up with him, wow he walked really fast. The dark lord was so weird when he was young, who knew?

"So I hope you had a good night sleep, no bad dreams and all?" I asked trying desperately to make small talks on our way to the Great hall, it was getting so awkward.

He didn't even look in my direction, "No need to be rude. I'm here trying to understand what the hell is going on! You're not even compromising, okay I get it, I mean you literally showed up out of no where and you're the dark lord but it's confusing for us too—"

"Do you ever shut up? I am not going to answer any unnecessary questions," he said as we arrived at the gate of the great hall.

I'm really offended right now.

"Okay, come on then." I said while rolling my eyes, I grabbed his wrist while dragging him towards the Slytherin table.

"I can walk on my own, thankyou very much." He yanked his hand from my grip and started walking ahead of me. I am not even gonna say anything right now,

"Eliza! Good morning bitch," Theodore said while running up to me and Riddle "I've been waiting for you since like forever," he said; dragging the the 'r' in forever while ignoring Riddle completely. "I need my caffeine or I'm gonna combust." 

"Honestly same, I need my chocolate chip waffles like— right now." I said while rolling my eyes, "Come," I said while looking towards Riddle.

I was sitting in the middle of Theo and Michelle while Riddle was sitting in front of me, 

"Okay, I'm done. I have to go and see professor Flitwick. See ya'll in class," she said while giving me a cheek kiss and patting Theo on the head. She quickly leaned down and whispered in my ear, "make sure that Theo doesn't slip, fall and die and keep an eye on Riddle." she said; eyeing Riddle while he was eating his toast.

Potions was first, it's one of my favourite subjects. Slughorn is an amazing teacher but no one could compare to professor Snape.

I miss him dearly, even tho he was known as the emotionless asshole. He was never particularly kind to me except from the one time; I made the perfect Pollyjuice potion— even better than Hermiones— in 5th year. He gave me a proud look, I can swear I even saw a small smile on his face. And no I'm not delusional.

I was sitting on the middle bench with Riddle on my left. Okay this is a great chance to strike up a conversation with him— okay here I go, don't mess up Eliza.

"So?" What the fuck?

He turned his head towards me with raised eyebrows, a slight smirk on his face. Wait why is he smirking?


"Do you like potions?"

"I prefer DADA but I'd say I am into it," he said with a tilt of his head.

That was adorable! He looks like a puppy!

His smirk grew, cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

Did I say that out loud?

"No you didn't," he said turning his head back to the front of the class as Slughorn came inside the classroom, a slight skip in his walk, hands on his belly.


A/N : I'm sorry this chapter is a bit short! I hope you like it tho, please don't forget to vote <3 see you soon

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