Chapter 5

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I need some alone time, I started to walk faster trying to get away from the Dark Lord.

"Where are you going?" He was still able to keep up with me,

"I need to take a piss? Wanna come?"

He scoffed, "Okay, go then. You honestly didn't need to be so literal. It's not appropriate," he said crossing his arms infront of his chest, he leaned against the wall.

"Pissing is not appropriate...?" what?

"I never said that," he rolled his eyes,

I quickly shut the stall-room door,

Now I can think, finally. Okay so the Dark lord, Thomas Marvolo Riddle, appeared out of no where in the year 1993. Suspicious? Not at all!

And how the hell is everyone so calm about it? Well— no one knows,

Okay, I need to be serious now, Sirius Black? Ha! I'm so funny- shit no, bad! Bad! Bad Liza, no time for stupid jokes,

There could even be a third war, did they figure out what's our next step? Did he make the horcruxes yet? He must've, you never know,

My theory is that the timeline and whatever happened back then... changed, even if it's so slight, things changed. I can just feel it.

Did they even tell him about his actions? What his... future? Yes, future self did? Well it's not really him, actually it is him. But just another version of him...? I shouldn't think too much, my pea sized brain couldn't handle it. I might have a seizure.

"Took you long enough," he lazily dusted off his robes,

"Sorry I realised that I had to take a shit too, it was massive—"

"Zip it!" Riddle said with disgust clear on his features,

I immediately looked down, "Riddle, I'm wearing a skirt, it doesn't have a zip, brain dead."

"I meant your mouth! How dumb could one be?" He started waking faster,

Next we had alchemy. I fucking hate alchemy, I hate professor Burke even more.

We were one of the last students to enter the classroom, "I am so sorry for our delay professor, Miss Blackwood had to—"

"I had to take a shit, give me detention I really couldn't care less."

"No cursing in my classroom Miss Blackwood! You two may sit down,"

What what? Que? Did he— how? How the hell did he not give us detention? I stared wide eyed at the professor,

"Please go to your seat Miss Balckwood you're distracting my class."

Riddle started walking towards the only desk empty, it was the one at the very back in the left corner of the room.

Wait, I think he let us go because he is scared of Riddle, who wouldn't be? I was happy, for two reason; one, he let us go. Two, someone finally showed some type of reaction to the fact that The Dark Lord's younger self is currently among us.

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