Chapter 7

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They were not even half way there and Eliza's legs were already threatening to give up. "Why are you walking like that? Can't you walk properly? Like a normal person?" Tom asked irritated.

He was not in the mood for jokes. This was serious. He needs to figure out a way to get back to his timeline urgently because he has had enough of this game. "I'm trying to but I'm so full. I just wanna take a nap," Eliza sighed as she continued to follow behind Tom.

He ignored her and kept walking. "Walk a bit slow, will you?" She said as she tried to catch up with his fast pace. They were almost there. Dare she say that she was excited to finally reach the library. Not about the books, but about the chairs on which she can peacefully sit on and maybe even rest her eyes for a bit.

When they both entered the room Madam Pince immediately glared at them. At this time of the day two random kids decided to show up? And they are the opposite gender.

Madam Pince, got suspicious and called them over to her desk with her hand. Tom was starting to loose it, he was irritated with the fact that every milli second someone or something managed to get in his way. He took a deep breath in.He put his classic innocent smile on and made his way towards the desk, Eliza following behind him like a zombie on crack.

"Yes?" He asked while smiling at the lady wearing a hat with a crows beak on it. "Shouldn't you two be in class?" She asked while looking at him from over her circular black spectacles. She knew that some students sneaked into the library to skip classes, make out or sometimes even smoke.

"Oh we're from the Slytherin house and for today our classes are over so we decided to do a bit of a revision for our upcoming class tests." Tom lied so beautifully that even Merlin himself would've believed him. And plus they looked like any other students trying to survive the day so there wasn't anything suspicious about them except from the fact that the beautiful brunette boy Madam Pince was talking to was the Dark Lord.

"Right, off you go then." Madam Pince was still not convinced but she let them go anyways.

"Okay then Riddle I'm going to be here," Eliza pointed at a chair beside her "resting my eyes. While you can go do whatever you want. Just wake me up when you're done." She said as the slumped down in the chair, letting her hair lose to get more comfortable.

"No you're not. You're going to help me." Tom told her. He was looking down at her like she was a chewed gum stuck on the bottom of his shoes.

He gave her a disgusted look. Why was she sitting like a slug? In public. Her posture is horrendous. He sighed. He hated it when people pitied him, but right now at this exact moment. He pitied himself.

"Uh, no I'm not." Eliza rolled her eyes. She was so  frustrated with her friends. Can't they be nice to her? Just once before she dies? And if you think about it really they teamed up on her! Now she's in the library stuck with a mass murderer and a blood prejudiced freak.

"Get up Miss. Blackwood. I am not going to repeat myself." He demanded. Never ever in his 17 years of living anyone had ever said 'no' to him. He doesn't take 'no' as an answer.

She groaned and stretched. "Fine. What now?"  she asked him as she stood up from her chair. She wanted to pull his eyeballs out of his eye sockets. He eyed her.

"Right. Now you need to help me in finding books related to time travel. Doesn't matter if it's a children's book. Just give me whatever you find on that topic. Fast." He said in a dismissive tone as he walked of to a shelf labeled under the category of 'Time'.

She nodded even tho she took it in from one ear and let it out from another. Eliza sluggishly walked off to a random bookshelf and started looking at books which were related to time.

After searching just for a few minutes which seemed like a whole eternity for Eliza she managed to find a book which had the word 'time' in its label. She grabbed the book and rushed over to where Riddle was. His back was facing her as he was looking over at some books on a bookshelf.

It looked like he had found quite a lot of books on the topic because his hands were full. "Oi Riddle!" she called him, her volume not really appropriate for the library.

He turned around and saw a red thing moving in his direction at full speed. His eyes widened. Thank Salazar he had fast reflexes. He quickly dropped all the books that were collected in his arms and grabbed the red thing moving in his direction right before it hit his face. He sighed in relief.

When he came to realise that the red thing that was flying towards him was a book. It was thrown by Eliza. Riddle glared at her like he wanted to rip her body apart and tear her ligaments until there was nothing but just the juices of her body left.

He stormed over towards her like a tornado moving towards a house at the highest speed possible. "Are you crazy woman?!" He yelled but not that loud.

He pushed her against the bookshelf. A few books falling off the rack in this process. His one arm on her shoulder holding her stable against the shelf and the other arm by his side which still had the red book thrown at him in it.

"What did you think you were doing?" he asked heatedly, grinding his teeth hard that they might even shatter into bits. He was furious at her child like behaviour. She was a grown up girl for Salazar's sake. What was the point in throwing a book at his head. It wasn't funny or humorous what so ever. It was just incredibly infuriating, nothing else.

"What? I just thought it was funny. Why're you getting to heated over it?" She scoffed trying to play it cool and act as if she wasn't scared about the fact that she was currently pushed against the shelf by Voldemort. Internally she was dying. He could kill her right now and her friends and family won't even know about it until they found her body which she wasn't sure anyone would even be able to.

Beads of sweat were forming on her forehead as she breathed out of her mouth. Their faces were too close. Which by the looks of it Riddle didn't seem to realise because he was too busy death staring at her. "Oh you think you are so funny huh?" he spat out while sneering at her.

He glared at her for a few more minutes and then suddenly let her go. She could finally breathe freely now. "Cunt." she muttered under her breathe as she straightened out her skirt.

"What was that?" he looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Nothing." she smiled at him with her eyes crinkled and her lips tightly pressed together.

"This is a muggle poem book by the way."  He threw the book at the desk. Such a useless girl.

A/N: hello everyone it's me! Please please comment your thoughts about this chapter because i LOVE to read them! and please like it too XD. see yall soon!


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