542 22 5

-12/ 03 / 2023-
- Author POV-

The black haired girl opened her eyes staring at the pink ceiling of the small and cozy room of hers, unfortunately it's the last morning she'll spend in this room, she's going back to Korea today

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The black haired girl opened her eyes staring at the pink ceiling of the small and cozy room of hers, unfortunately it's the last morning she'll spend in this room, she's going back to Korea today.

She smiled at the idea of going back to Korea, she released a sight after taking a deep breath, she stood up sitting her self on the bed, she looked at the bright light and sunshine breaking through the window lighting up the whole room, her eyes traveled to the all the posters on the wall of her her favorite idols, Shinnee, Apink, Exo and AOA.

Her eyes traveled again towards the bags that she packed last night, she excitedly stood up running towards the bathroom, she took a quick shower while singing her favorite songs, she walked out the bathroom wrapped up with her pink towel still dancing and vibing to the song she was singing.

She walked towards the little couch grabbing the clothes she left last night for today, she put those clothes on then fixed her hair into two pigtails, adding some accessories and finishing the look with some bluch and pink natural lipstick.

She walked towards the little couch grabbing the clothes she left last night for today, she put those clothes on then fixed her hair into two pigtails, adding some accessories and finishing the look with some bluch and pink natural lipstick

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she turned back towards the door when she heard someone knocking. "Manchae--!! Are you awake!?" She smiled when she heard the familiar gentel and warm voice of her brother. "Yes oppa i'm ready, i'll be there in a minute" she yelled back with a smile then stood up putting on her backpack and dragging her bag behind her as she started running towards the door.

She went downstairs leaving the bags in the living room then running towards the kitchen, she crossed her arms leaning on the door frame watching her father who was making pancakes and her brother who was preparing the table, watching them with a smile on her face as if they're her biggest achievements.

The father just kept flipping the pancakes as felt someone watching him, he turned back and saw her standing there and he flinched. "ohh___ good morning sweetie, you're wake already?" He said giving her a warm smile as he started flipping the pancakes again. "yes dad, good morning" She said smiling back "good morning manchae"

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