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- Eunchae POV-

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- Eunchae POV-

I was standing in the bus station near the school , I told my dad that i'll be hanging out with the girls so i can be comfortable with the time , but hell nah , i've been standing here wating for him just like  he told me to for  30 minute , it's been thirty minutes and he is not here yet , And i can fell my blood boiling , i can literally kill someone right now . " ughh .... I am going crazy , where the hell is he ? " I mumbled with anger looking down at me watch .

I held my head up and looked around but still he is nowhere near , A bus stopped in front of me , this is the fourth bus that came till now , The few people who were waiting for it stood up leaving the five seats in the bench empty as they got in , Finally i can sit , i'm not a kind of person who get tired fast but i just get bored fast you can say , I sat and i put my back bag on my lap kinda hugging it , I'm so bored and i fell like i'm hungry but what a smart girl i am , i forgot my wallet home which means i'm broke right now .

I hope we don't go somewhere far cause I don't have money to go on the bus i have to go  walking because my bike is broken , Literally this day can't go any worst ." Hello teacher " I was just looking down at the ground when i heard someone talking beside me . And i swear to God i felt my heart skipped a beat , like my soul left my body for a second ." Ahh___ kaptchagya "I flinched actually i yelled as i jumped on my chair , i looked at the right and someone was setting beside me.

Well i guess this day is already getting worst

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Well i guess this day is already getting worst ." You fuckin freaked the shit out of me ,what is wrong with you ? " I angrily said ." I__ ju__ i just said hi " He confusedly said and i rolled my eyes ." Well next time make a noise , so people can tell you're here " I said holding my back bag up from the ground cause i just dropped it when i yelled . " Sorry___i guess "He said ." You should be and where the hell have you been ? " I asked with a pissed tone .

- Author POV -

" I went home , i had to change my clothes " He answered and she looked at him with a 'are you serous' look . " I can't believe you left me here waiting like a fuckin homeless person for thirty minutes just so you can change your clothes " She said with a pissed tone trying to hold back her anger ." ohh don't take it serious i'm not that late " He said resting on the chair back and putting his two hands on his hoodie's pocket ." not that late  ? You are  thirty minutes late , you could've at least call me , i wanted to change my clothes too , it's your fau_____ " She said as stood up and took out a candy from his pocket , he unwrapped it then put it in her mouth cutting her words .

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