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- author POV -

The next day , the lessons are over and the girls were in the cafeteria , Zuha and Eunchae were sitting beside each other meanwhile Yunjin facing them." Yuna-aah what's wrong , you don't look good today " Yunjin asked the girl who was resting her head on her hand , while playing with the food not eating ." yahhh , i know " Eunchae said after she released a deep sigh ." right , where's your necklace ? You said you don't take it of " Kazuha sasked after she noticed that the necklace is not on her neck .

" that's the problem , i lost it " Eunchae replied ." really ? WAW that's so bad " Zuha said with a concerned face ." hold on , i didn't even told you the worst part " Eunchae said still looking at her food . " there's worst ? "Kazuha asked with a shocked face ." Niki found it " Eunchae replied ." you are right that's worst " Yunjin nodded . " yet this is not the worst part "Eunchae added making the two in a great shock ." there's more ? "Yunjin asked and Eunchae slowly nodded ." he said that i have to help him on his studies and then he will give it back to me " Eunchae said and their eyes winded . " really ? " Kazuha asked ." really why ? Why me ? Ahhh , am really going crazy " Eunchae faked crying with anger hitting the table with her food stick .

" So ? What are you gonna do ? you not just gonna let him take it , it's your mom's necklace " Yunjin asked. " Of course i'm not gonna let him take it " Eunchae answered ." So you're in ? You're gonna teach him for the exams next week ? " Kazuha asked ." I wish it was just a week , he said i'll teach him till the final exams "Eunchae replied . " You're joking ? It still two months " Yunjin said and Eunchae looked at her with a serious look .

" You think i don't know ? That's what's making me crazy , i hate him , how am i gonna be with him every single day for two months ? "Eunchae said with a serious tone then faked crying again ." well then my friend i wish you luck , you need it " Yunjin said . " why ? " Eunchae asked ." well hi is just an asshole " Yunjin said . " you are not really helping , ounnei " Eunchae said ." don't worry we are here for you " Kazuha said patting on her shoulder .

" thanks , by the way , tomorrow is my birthday, don't forget it okay ? " Eunchae thanked with a smile then she added . " we won't , don't worry " Yunjin said ." right , Yunjin ounnei , you said you're having a new coach , what happened ? "Kazuha asked ." Yeah , well he came and he asked for another addition , so all the trainees performed in front of him "Yunjin said she took a bite of her burger ." So ? What happened " Eunchae asked exitedly ." you did great right ? " Kazuha added waiting for an answer .

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