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- Eunchae POV-

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- Eunchae POV-

I went out the classroom , it was already empty , i'm just so lazy , that's why everything i do takes time , Before i go out i stole a glance back at the classroom and he was still sleeping . * Should i wake him up ? The school is done * I thought for a while then i shook my head , why would i ? I don't know him , Plus His friend , the boy who was setting beside him just left without waking him up , I don't care , i'll just go , i'm already late .

I fastly walked out towards the school gate i looked around for a while and i saw them standing away waving at me , I smiled and I walked toward them .  " hi , are we ready to go ? "I asked with a smile ." yes we are "Yunjin answered ." OH___MY___ GOD__" Kazuha said with a 'O' face looking away ."  what ? , What is it ? "Yunjin asked her with a confused face .

Zuha slowly hold her hand and pointed out to someone , we looked at the place she was pointing to , And my eyes winded when i saw my father , standing in front of hit car , wearing a black jeans and a black leather jacket , with a black sunglasses . "  oh my goodness , is that Hong young Doo ? "Yunjin asked with a bright smile ."  dad ?" I asked then i started walking toward him followed by the girls . " Dad ? What are you doing here ? " I asked and he took off his sunglasses ."  i'm here to pick you up  "He answered with a smile. "  i said I can come alone "I answered .

- Author POV -

"  there's no problem , my work is done anyway " He said with a smile , Yunjin put her finger in front of Kazuha's nose " Eunchae-yahh" Yunjin called and Eunchae looked back at her ." I don't think Zuha is breathing " Yunjin said while Kazuha was looking at Young-doo with a smile , not taking her eyes off .

"  what ? Is it because of him ? He is not even that handsome " Eunchae said as she pointed out at her father , she mumbled rolling her eyes and crossing her arms with the second sentence . " i think I should help her " Yunjin said and Eunchae just nodded . Yunjin started hitting Kazuha from her back until she started to breath again .

"Okay ,so dad , the girls asked me to go shopping with them " Yuna said and her father smiled ." You made friends in your first day then ? Cool , okay you can go , but don't be late " Her father said and she nodded ." See you home then "Eunchae said waving back at him as she started walking with the girls .

- After a while -

The three girls were walking around the mall . " so ,  tell us about you " Kazuha asked said and Eunchae released a sight.

"Umm___ I'd be lying if  i said it's bad , even though my real father is in jail and i don't know where my mom is but i think it's fine , just doing my best to live it to the fullest , what about you guys ? " Eunchae replied with a watm smile then asked changing the topic she've always hated it when people asked her about her biological parents but she's used to it now .

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