A Dangerous Bet from a Castle Page

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My father and I were on no speaking terms in fact as often as I could I avoided him completely. This meant I spent most of my time away from the first floor where he usually was. It was a Tuesday night and I was wandering around in the library when I ran into my friend Mavis he was a castle page. "Hello Mavis."

"Hello Jaron." Mavis was the only one who never called me by my royal title. "Umm, Jaron do you know any servants who would carry a torch to the throne room for me so I could polish the floors."He asked timidly.

"Oh Mavis, Mavis, Mavis," I said "you can't bring torches into the throne room."

"Why?" he asked questioningly.

"Because the curtains will burn." I said simply.

"Will not." He said not believing me.

"Wanna bet."

"Sure but I'm telling you they will not burn." He answered.

"Okay let's go see." I replied bravely. Truthfully I didn't really know if the curtains were flammable or not but I just needed something fun to do so I walked down the two flights of stairs holding the torch in front of me. When we got to the first floor I opened the throne room and peeked my head inside hoping with all my heart that my father was not in there. "Okay Mavis the coast is clear." we crept inside and I turned toward the beautiful carefully sewn tapestry. "We are just going to burn a corner and see if it's flammable or not. That way no one can tell that these curtains were tampered with." I bent on the ground and found a corner. I slowly and carefully held the torch to the corner and waited. All of the sudden with a whoosh the whole curtain lit up with fire. "Mavis go and get the water." I waited for an answer. "Mavis-." I turned to see that Mavis had fled the scene leaving me looking very guilty.

I heard footsteps approaching. "Mavis?" I asked to the silent dark air. No it was my brother.

"Jaron what are you..." He looked at me astounded.

"Go and get father quickly!" I cried. I watched Darius runaway and I was alone again so I curled up in a ball and watched the flames. The next time I heard footsteps I could tell that it was of more than two people. I turned to look but then felt something on my back. It felt as though someone stuck a dagger in my back, cut a hole, and then started scratching at it with their fingernails. But that's all I remember because I blacked out.

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