A Church with a Widow

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The next morning the bells rung thrice signaling everyone to get ready for church. I groaned and rolled out of bed I didn't even wait for Ralph to come and dress me. I put on the stiff church clothes and sat at the foot of my bed. I gazed out my window and wished time would stop. So that I could remain frozen here where everything was perfect. But the sad, cold thing about life is that even if everything was frozen time would just keep on moving and life would move on. So you have to take advantage of these few precious moments in life because if you miss them you may never get them back.

I stood up snapping out of my long tangled up and knotted string of thoughts. I heard knock at the door and Ralph entered. "Oh sir you're up already." His eyes opened wide and surprised. "And you're already dressed. Well then I suppose I can take you downstairs."

"Yes Ralph you can." I said. He opened the door and I walked out. I met my mother at the end of the stairs.

"Why for you, you're up early." She said surprised. She was wearing an emerald green dress with flecks of gold on the bodice and skirt. At the arms the dress hung she looked absolutely beautiful. She had her hair down it fell at her waist in soft blonde curls.

Ha-ha." I retorted sarcastically. I walked with her to the entrance hall the way she walked she looked as though she was stepping on lily pads.

"Jaron can you do me a favor?" she asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Anything dear mother." I replied.

"Can you try not to get into trouble with your father? You see, he is very stressed lately." I looked at her listening intently. She led me into the map room, where a map of Carthya and all the neighboring countries stood. "Mendenwal, Avenia, and Gelyn are all preparing for war." She pointed to the countries surrounding us. "Your father is choosing to pretend this is not happening but we both know it is. If Mendenwal decides to strike Carthya could be crushed."She said severely.

"Mother I shall not disappoint you. I will not distract father." I said encouragingly.

"All right my son." She said beaming. She put her hand on my shoulder and led me out of the map room.

When we arrived at the entrance hall Father and Darius were standing waiting. My father stood up and the two door servants opened up the door. We stepped outside; it was a warm day with the sun shining. A carriage drove up and opened its doors. It was made of shiny and polished wood. The doors had brass handles. The wheels were painted a dark and mysterious black. The horses were snow white with silver manes that floated loosely in the breeze. They had dark beady eyes focused on the road ahead of them.

Our carriage driver was a short man who needed a stool put down whenever he climbed on or off the carriage. He had spectacles that hung on the bridge of his nose connected to a long silver chain that was tucked inside his uniform. He had a big bulky mustache to match his fat face. He wore a tall ugly green top hat to match his vest. I did not particularly like him based on the fact he stuck his nose in the air and snickered when he looked at me.

The ride to the church was long and rocky. We traveled through many forests, bridges, and small towns. When we finally reached the city of Carchar my legs were asleep so I asked if I could walk the rest of the way. My father agreed he probably just wanted me out of his sight. I walked slowly so I could enjoy the little tome I had to myself. I watched the people in the busy marketplace rushing this way and that. Little girls were carrying woven baskets buying fruit for their mothers. Vendors were selling anything anyone would buy. I quickly grabbed a blanket from a nearby table and put it over my head remembering that if I wanted to remain unnoticed I would have to keep my identity secret.

I walked on the cobblestones hearing the sounds of my boots hitting the stones.

"Sir please, m-my house." She stuttered nervously. "Please ma'am could you spare a few garlins I don't have enough money they're going to foreclose my house." I turned to see an old beggar women begging for money she was wearing nothing but rags sewn together to form a quilt of different colors. She asked a young man probably in his twenties and this time he pushed her out of the way. She landed on the ground. Out of instinct I jumped forward and helped the frail old women up. "S-s-sir thank you very much." She gazed into my eyes with a sad faraway look.

"Your welcome" I replied and I hurried of to the church.

During most of the service I couldn't stop thinking of the poor old lady and how I could help her. She couldn't lose her home no one deserves to be without a home. Without a warm bed to go to after along days work. Without a cozy fireplace to sit at and watch the flames dance around happily. Without a place to hang your pictures and watch your children and their children grow up. It is the worst thing to ever happen to someone. It leaves a hole, a void if you will, in your heart.

Suddenly as if the idea dropped from out of the sky and landed on my head I knew how to help the old lady. It all started with the church donation basket. When they passed it around I picked up a couple garlins and rolled them over my knuckles so no one could have seen me take them unless they were sitting right next to me. My father picked me up by the back of my shirt and dragged me outside. My mother and Darius quickly followed. The next few hours happened quicker than I could blink before I even knew it I was in the throne room with my father with the door closed.

"How dare you steal money from a church? You make us look like peasants! Why did you steal it we have the most money in all of Carthya so why did you feel the need to steal more? Are you just a greedy ungrateful boy? You bring embarrassment to our family every time you don't think! Worst of all you bring disgrace on all royalty in all the lands! Other Kings and Queens try to stifle their laughs every time they say your name! So why? Why?" He said shouting at me his face was an ugly shade of purple now.

"Because I was trying to help this-"

"Oh you were trying to help! Well I guess it's all right now because you were just trying to help! Right is that what you want me to say!"

"No I was just trying to-."

"Get out you disgust me." He said. With hearing those words come out of his mouth I broke.

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