Chapter 5

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I now know that the blue headed girls name is Faith and she is the head of the house I'm in which is Latrisha apparently named after one of the greatest people in history.

Well, I don't believe she's great because if she was I would have learnt about her in history.

I share my dorm with 5 girls April, Vicky, Joy, Kelly and Lily.

"hey gals" says lily who looks like a punk as she has purple hair dip dyed blue and has nose, lip and eyebrow piercings and is wearing a baggy jumper that touches her knees matched with some high-tops.

"You're a quite bunch ehhh" she says eyeing us suspiciously.

"You must be the stigs" she says staring at me, Vicky and Joy as the other girls start laughing including Lily.

"What does that mean?" I ask Lily now getting angry at how they laughed at us.

"It means your normal, it means you're not a full vampire yet, you twat" says Lily.

"Ww-hh-aa-tt" I stammer "you're a bloody vampire" says lily as though I'm an alien.

"I'm no vampire, babe" says Joy sounding offended.

"Listen I know you don't wanna believe it but if you weren't vampires you wouldn't be sitting here right now" says lily directly to me, Vicky and Joy.

"So you're trying to tell me that I'm a vampire" says joy as though it was a joke "didn't you hear Lily" says April the girl with the brown hair dip dyed blue.

"How do we know you're not trying to trick us" says Vicky "oh shut your mouth, you're a vampire get over it" says April now sounding annoyed.

"Let's not start an argument" says Kelly the pale blonde haired girl "listen Kelly, we're not arguing, I'm just trying to tell them who they really are" protests April.

"Listen girls, we've had a long day I think we all just need a rest" says Lily as she jumps onto my bed next to me.

"Look" says Lily, pointing at the window whilst the others are still discussing vampires.

"There the boys" she tells me as I walk over to the window to get a closer look.

"if there the boys, why are those girls standing there" I ask "oh, you mean them 2" says Lily pointing at them "yeah" I reply.

"There what you stigs would call mean girls" says Lily "who are they?" I ask "well, that one's Stacy, she's like the alpha of the pack and the girl beside her is Maz her little cronie" Lily says pointing them out to me.

"Who's that?" I say as a boy approaches Stacy.

"That's Stacy's boyfriend Dylan he goes to Vampire Academy" says Lily with a nasty look on her face.

"What's Vampire Academy?" I ask staring dreamily at Dylan "its school for the boy vampire's" says Lily.

"Let me tell you one thing, you've got no chance Tash" says Lily spotting me staring at Dylan "what do you mean" I say going slightly red "I mean you and Dylan is a no go, him and Stacy have one hell of a relationship and I don't want to think about what she'd do to you if she found out you were hitting on her man" Lily says.

I feel myself getting redder and heating up as I get up and say "I don't like him, I wasn't even looking at him" Lily laughs and says "I know I was just merrily warning you".

All the lights go out as we all get into our beds. I think to myself about what a good 1st day I had, I'd made myself 5 new friends and on that thought I fell asleep.

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