Chapter 15

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After lunch we walk back to our dorms to find letters on each of our beds.

"Finally, the mail is here" says Lily who picks up the three letters on her bed.

"Why did they come so late?" I say.

"Well, we only get mail once every half term" April explains.

"Oh, that's so weird..." I say "I don't make the rules" April replies.

I walk over to my bed and pick up the four letters.

I got one from my mum, two from my friends and one black envelope - I don't know who from.

But there's a black envelope on everyone's bed, I wonder what it is... "Yay!" Kelly screams whilst holding the opened black envelope.

"What's so exciting?" I say to Kelly as they all give me a deathly stare.

"We're excited because..." April says but Lily cuts across and says "Let her find out herself..." "Go on then, open it."

Vicky says hinting at the black envelope. I tear open the black envelope and out falls a red card, I pick it up and start reading it, 'You have been invited to the Christmas ball, which takes place on the 5th of December and from now on you have no lessons as all teachers are preparing' "Oh my god! Oh my god!" I say excitedly.

"Read the last bit..." says Lily with a frown, so I look back at the card and right at the bottom it says 'You must be accompanied by a partner.'

"What does that mean?" I ask confused.

"It basically means we have to go to the dance with a partner" replies Lily "So what? There's like six of us, we'll pair up together" I say.

"No Tash, it doesn't work like that. And you forgot to add Narissa, but anyways you have to go with a boy" she says.

"Oh damn! This is one hell of a dilemma"

"That's not a problem for me" says April.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys this earlier...but I'm going out with Jacob" she says as all four jaws hit the floor hard.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Kelly says.

"Well, I wasn't ready" she replies.

"Lucky, at least you've got someone to go with" Lily says to her.

Hang on a minute, am I the only one who thinks this is kind of weird? Because Jacob is like one of the main suspects in the Blood Vamps investigation. And when did she ever see him? To be honest she never met him, she's been with us all this week...

"When did you start dating?" I ask eyeing her closely.

"He asked me out on Wednesday" she replies not looking at me.

She just lied to my face, she was with me and we were doing a job for Madame Lexi... something isn't right and I'm going to find out what.

I decided to go to bed early, so I leave the girls who are still talking about the ball and doze off.

03:00pm: Next Day-

I wake up to see Vicky sitting on my bed "What you doing" I say to her.

"I need to tell you something" she replies.

"What's the time?" I ask noticing that none of the girls are in bed or in the room "It's like 09:00am" she says to me. "Okay, so what's so important?" I ask.

"Okay, but promise you're not going to laugh..." she says.

"I promise" I reply, suspiciously.

"Ikindoffancyhimandwanttogototheballwithhimandpromiseyouwonttellthegirls" she said in one go.

"Hold up, hold up. Now, say that again but in English this time" I say.

"I kind of fancy him and want to go to the ball with, but promise you won't tell the girls."

She says again but slowly as I burst into tears of laughter.

"You're joking, you must be." I say but stop laughing as she says seriously, "No Tash, I'm not joking..." "Oh, sorry." I say trying to hold in my laughter.

"But why did you tell me out of all the girl?" I ask "I told you because I wanted you to help me get noticed by him and he knows you" she explains.
"That'll be easy" I say to her.

"How?" she asks looking confused.

"Because Joy and I have to go to Vampire Academy to drop some books off for Sir. Hoxel, so I'll just pop into crimson as it's on today." I finish.

"Okay, tell me everything when you get back." She replies. "But is it okay if I tell Joy about it, I promise she won't tell no one" I say trying to convince Vicky.

"Oh, okay then." she says.

After I eat breakfast, I meet Joy in Tush Tower outside our history classroom holding half the books.

Before I pick up my half, I tell her about my conversation with Vicky "You got to be joking!" Joy say.

"No, I'm not and that's why we have to go crimson class so that we can talk him into going to the ball with her" I say as I pick up the books and we make our way to Vampire Academy and drop off the books to the reception and walk to crimson class.

"Okay, let's do this" she says as we walk in.

"Yo!" we hear a few guy say to us but we just walk straight over to Dylan.

"Oh, hey" he says "We need to talk to you..." Joy says pointing in his face "...and you better say yes!" she finishes.

"What?" says Dylan, confused? "Anyways, Tash can I talk to you?" "Yeah, what?" I say.

"Umm...somewhere private..." he adds.

"Oh okay, let's go into the corridor" I say as he nod in agreement.

As we make our way over to the door, Jacob winks at Dylan... I don't know why, and a couple of guys whistle, and Joy turns around and says to them, "Oh shut up! You pathetic pieces of..." "Joy please..." I say to prevent her from swearing.

When we get into the corridor, Joy says to Dylan "Go on then, spit it out."
"Well...I was wondering if..." he starts.

"If what?" Joy says impatiently.

"If you would come to the um... ball with me...?" he says trying his best not make eye contact with me.

"But it's entirely up to you..." he adds.
"Well this is awkward..." says Joy as I give her a deadly stare.

This is absolutely crazy! Why in the whole wide world did he ask me?! Especially when Vicky wants to go with him. What if Vicky finds out, oh my.., I seriously can't do this... I'm sorry..." I says as I run down the corridor and out of the building.

I stop running in the middle of the field as Joy catches up with me "Tash what was that all about" she asks me "I don't know and don't care" I reply "you should've said yes he is kinda hot" she says to me in a jokey tone "oh, shut up" I say as we both laugh "the problem is I dunno what to tell Vicky" I say "don't tell her anything, just tell her you forgot" she replies.

We walk back to our dorm.

When we get there, Vicky runs to me and says "did you talk to him, what did he say" "oh, I'm so sorry I totally forgot" I reply trying to sound sorry "ok, then" she says disappointed. All of a sudden I don't feel well, I lay on my bed and close my eyes.

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