Chapter Five

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all my troubles seem so far away
now it looks as though they're here to stay
oh, i believe in yesterday
beatles, yesterday

The last day of October meant three things to Icarus: it was Halloween, his birthday, and today was the first trip to Hogsmeade. Back in the summer after second year, Icarus had endlessly nagged his mother about signing his permission slip. She had given in to him not even a week in to summer break just so he would shut up.

It was cool day. A nice and easy breeze blew through the air. The Hogwarts students who were going to Hogsmeade had left not too long after breakfast.

Icarus had been to Hogsmeade enough times to know what he was going to do. He planned to raid Honeydukes. Of course, he wasn't going to spend all of his money at the sweets shops; he was also going to visit Zonko's and The Three Broomsticks.

The first few times Icarus had been to Hogsmeade, he had gone to see the Shrieking Shack. After those few times, however, it had lost its luster in Icarus's opinion. Well, to be fair, Icarus had always thought that it was lacking; it didn't seem haunted, and it wasn't like Icarus didn't believe in ghosts because he did. It would be difficult not to with all the ghosts that resided in Hogwarts.

"Will you two walk faster? Everything's gonna be gone by the time we get there!" Alan called, waiting impatiently for his friends. They were walking to Honeydukes, and Alan seemed to be thoroughly convinced that all of the candy in the store would be gone when they entered it. Icarus thought he had no reason to be worried since that had never happened before.

"Calm down," Phillip said, scowling. "I assure you that there will still be chocolate frogs by the time we get there. God, you're such a child."

"Yeah, well, you're slow."

"It's not my fault you have longer legs than me!"

"It's not my fault that you're short!"

"Will you two shut up?" Icarus interrupted.

"No!" they angrily said at the same time, then glared at each other.

Icarus sighed. "The entire village of Hogsmeade does not need to know about your problems."

"Yes, they do," Alan argued.

"Well, they don't care."

"Our problems are the first thing on their minds every day!" he exclaimed loudly, earning him a few weird looks.

"I am leaving both of you," Icarus said, walking past Alan. He entered Honeydukes. It was busy; Hogwarts students were everywhere. He scanned the shelves, looking for what he might buy. He had always gotten peppermint toads and sugar quills in years previous, and Acid Pops were also a definite (he loved giving them to first and second years and watching their reactions to the newly burned hole in their tongue). He nearly fell forwards as the door burst open and hit, making him stumble. He turned to see Phillip and Alan, grinning.

"What'd you do that for?" Icaurs scowled.

"We didn't do it on purpose," Phillip defended, the ridiculous smile still on his face.

"Yeah, and maybe next time you will move away from the door instead of standing right in front of it," Alan said, his expression matching Phillip's.

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