Chapter Ten

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i'm worse at what i do best
and for this gift i feel blessed
nirvana, smells like teen spirit

The winter months came and went, quick and uneventful. It was now spring, and Icarus was dreading the end of the school year. Normally, he would have just had plain, old finals. But now he was in his fifth year, and fifth year meant O.W.L.s.

Icarus was able to notice the shift in everyone's mood after coming back from spring break. The common room was less loud as most of the students fervently studied for their exams. Even Alan, the boy who was always flying by the seat of his pants when he took a test, had his head stuck in a book.

Icarus looked up from his History of Magic notes that he had been poring over for the past hour. His eyes hurt and he felt a headache coming on. The common was, not shockingly, silent with only the crackling fire in the fireplace to add some white noise to the unusual quiet.

He rested his head back against the wall he was sitting in front of (all the seats in front of the fire had been taken). He closed his eyes. He had no idea what time it was, he just knew that it was well past midnight, and that he had been studying and doing homework since eight.

He didn't know when it happened, but he ending up falling asleep.

"Icarus! Icarus, wake up!" Someone was shaking him.

"What?" he mumbled, sitting up. He supposed he had slumped over to the side while he was sleeping.

"This is supposed to be a study session, not bedtime," Alan said, a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Well, I'm sorry, but we've been doing this for hours. Can't we take a break, or, you know, go to sleep at some point tonight?"

"No," Alan said at the same time that Phillip said, "We probably should."

They looked at each other.

"What?" Phillip said. "We have those interviews tomorrow, remember?"

"Interviews?" Icarus and Alan asked at the same time.

"Yeah, y'know, the ones where the Heads of Houses ask us about what we want to do in the future. Those interviews."

"Those are tomorrow?" Icarus hadn't exactly been paying a lot of attention when they had been brought up, but he thought he had ages until they happened. He hadn't been looking forward to his; sitting in a room with Snape, one-on-one for God knows how long, wasn't his idea of a fun Saturday afternoon.

"Yeah, so I'm going to sleep." He got up. "You two coming?"

"Sure," Icarus answered. He and Alan stood up, collected their things, and the three of them made their way to their dormitory.

"Quick, one of you tell me what job I will most likely get after Hogwarts," Icarus said as he sat down at Slytherin table for lunch.

"Filch's," Alan said, no hesitation.

Icarus gave him a look. "Great to know what you think of me and my skills."

"You're welcome."

Phillip, on the other hand, was taking more time to answer the question, like he was actually considering it. "You hate Quidditch, so that's obviously out of the question."

"I don't hate Quidditch," Icarus said. "I just. . . feel strongly about it in not the best way."

"You hate Quidditch," Alan and Phillip said in unison.

Icarus ignored them with a wave of his hand. "But besides being a Ministry worker or a Quidditch player, what other jobs are there?"

"You could be a professor," Alan offered. He, Phillip, and Icarus all looked between each other. They burst out laughing.

"Yeah, okay, like I would want to spend the rest of my life at this school," Icarus said.

"Okay," Phillip started when they had all stopped laughing, "Gringotts."

"I don't want to be a banker."

"You wouldn't be a banker, you'd be a curse breaker or something."

"I could be a curse breaker," Alan says. "Maybe that'll be what I tell Snape."

"You can tell him that, but I think we all know that you'd somehow manage to get yourself cursed," said Phillip, eating a piece of bacon.

"That's fine. When I get home, you will be able to fix me."

"What makes you think we'll still be roommates after we graduate?"

"I just know we'll be."

A/N It's a short chapter, but it's a chapter nonetheless. Also, 500 reads! Thank you to everyone who's read this shitty story, and to those who vote and comment. I think I've said this once before, but comments can really make my day. Again, thanks.

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