Chapter Six

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these are my friends
these are my friends
i love them
i love them
lovelytheband, these are my friends

Icarus sprinted down the halls of Hogwarts, making his way to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. He, Alan, and Phillip were late for Defense Against the Dark Arts, and they decided to see who could make it to class first. Icarus stopped just in front of the doorway. "I win!" he announced to Alan and Philip who were now competing for second place in their race.

Icarus triumphantly turned on his heel and started to walk into the classroom when he froze. "What are you doing here?"

The greasy haired and hooked nose bastard—whoops, sorry, professor, stood at the front of the classroom. His lips curled into a sneer as he regarded Icarus.

"It's nice of you to join us, Black," Snape said, practically spitting out Icarus's last name. "And as to what I am doing here, must I remind you that I am one of your teachers?" His tone was filled with disgust and borderline hatred. Snape had been like this since their first class together, and Icarus had no idea what he had done to wrong the potions master.

"This is the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, not potions." By now, Alan and Phillip were standing behind Icarus.

"Yes, I am well aware of that." Annoyance was now seeping into his words.

"Go back to your dungeon, Snape."

Laughter rang out and Snape's nostrils flared. Glaring at Icarus, he said, "Five points from Slytherin and Gryffindor. Now, take your seats."

The three boys made their way to the back of the classroom and sat down in their usual seats. Icarus didn't know when it started, but in every class, they all sat in the same spot each time. It was like an unspoken rule between the fifth years.

"Open your textbooks to page 364," Snape said. The words had barely left his mouth when Icarus raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Black?" Snape said as the other students got out their textbooks and started to flip to page 364.

"Where's Lupin?" Students looked up to watch the exchange between the student and professor.

"I'm afraid he's fallen ill." Snape's eyes had a maliciously gleeful look in them that made Icaus think that Snape was happy about what ever illness had befallen his favorite professor.

Another student's hand went up, this time a girl from Gryffindor. "Professor, we've already learned about werewolves."

Snape gave her a lazy but cruel smile. "Have you?" His words were unnervingly calm and his tone was cool. He directed his attention to the entire class. "Well then, I'm sure none of you will have a problem in telling me the differences between a werewolf and a normal wolf?" He started to walk down the aisles separating the desks, most likely trying to intimidate and scare the students.

A few hands went up, but Snape appeared to be oblivious to them. Icarus was not one of them.

Snape suddenly rounded on Icarus. "Black, can you tell me the signs that someone is a werewolf?"

Anger started to bubble in Icarus. Why was Snape picking on him? There were clearly other students who couldn't remember the answers to his questions, but Snape wasn't singling them out. And instead of saying that he didn't know the answer, he decided to blurt out, "I don't know, can I?"

A few kids laughed, but they stopped when Snape glared at them. Anger quickly flashed over Snape's face. "Ten points from Slytherin and detention, Black," Snape said, barely containing the fury in his voice. He spat Icarus's last name out with contempt.

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