Chapter 16: Come Back

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 As his heart stops and his final breath leaves his body, the helplessness disappears and is replaced with anger.

"No!" I scream and more tears fall onto my cheeks. Once again, I feel the heat radiating all through my body, but it isn't as painful as before. Red surrounds my body as I hear my father's voice encouraging me.

"Excellent! Channel that anger! He hasn't been dead for more than a few seconds! You can save him! FOCUS!" He screams at me. His words echoed in my head as it became harder and harder to focus on anything.

"Make it stop! Please!" I scream as my head begins to burn, the power overwhelming my body. It is only the second time I have used them and I don't even fully understand how they work. Most of this is just instinct at this point. I grab my head as the pain begins to grow. All I can see is Severus dying before my eyes. I can't even focus on saving him because the only image constantly replaying is his death. I stand, trying to move away from the image of him dying, but it doesn't work. It stays with me no matter how far away from him I move.

"FOCUS DAUGHTER!" I hear my father scream once again. Lucius sees the struggle and begins to walk toward me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"You can do this, Y/n. He truly loves you. I've never seen Severus care so much about anyone. Just... focus on him... your favorite memories of him. You can do this, Y/n," he soothes. This simple action eases the pain only slightly, allowing me to focus on the happy memories with Severus. As I focus on channeling the power to my hands, I picture Severus's face in my mind. His smile that only a few people get to see. His protectiveness toward me. The way it feels when he holds me. Suddenly, the red moves to my hands and Lucius steps back, allowing me room to work. I place my hand over Severus's chest pushing the energy into him.

"Come back to me, Sev," I whisper. At this, my hand stops glowing as the energy fully enters Severus. Suddenly, the exhaustion washes over me as the spell used most of my energy. I stumble backward and feel two pairs of arms grab me from behind as my eyes close and everything goes black.

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