Chapter 4

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Makenzie's head hit the steering wheel and went flying back on the impact. There was glass going everywhere and the front of the car was beginning to smash.

My head also went flying forward and hit the dashboard. God that hurt. Everything seemed to go blurry and the last thing I saw was Makenzie getting pulled out before everything went dark.

*Hours Later*

I wake up in a hospital room and look around. What the fuck just happened? What's going on?

I started to panic a little. By a little I mean a lot. There were so many questions going through my mind and yet none answered. I need to go find someone

When I was about to get out of my bed someone walked in.

"Hello Ms. Green your finally awake. My name is Dr. Evleen. I suppose you want to know what happened?" The Doctor asked.

"Well obviously but what do you mean finally awake? How long was I asleep? Was I in a coma? How-" I was cut off by the doctor

"Ms. Green you were not in a coma, you were just out after the car crash you were in. You were only asleep a few hours. Although you did though hit your head pretty hard on the impact of the crash.

You may experience some dizziness and major headaches but I will prescribe you some medication. You have also broken your left leg in the crash. Your crutches as you can see are by your bed.

You have a couple scratches from the glass with stitches on your right arm where a piece of glass was. We are going to keep you here over night just to be sure but you can go home tomorrow."

God that was a lot to take in, so I remember the crash now. Wait... "Oh my god how's Makenzie?"

"Your friend Ms. Ann will be fine she does have a concussion and a broken ankle. Ms. Ann does have a few stitches on the right side of her forehead, but she is in very good condition. She will be staying over night as well."

"Well okay then." I say trying to process all this information

"I will go get your medication now. Is there anything you need Ms. Green?" She asks walking towards the door

"Yes there is one more thing, please call me Madison."

"Okay Ms- Madison I will be right back."

She walked out of the room and I looked around for my phone. Hm.. it's not here I know I had it with me in the car.

Oh well. Where do I get food here?


The doctor did come in a few minutes later with my medication and told me when to take them and how to take them and blah blah blah...

She left after she realized I wasn't really even listening to her leaving me to figure out how to get the tv to turn on.

I finally figured out how to work the tv and was currently watching some news channel. The reporters were about to get to the breaking news when somebody walked in.

I turned my head slowly away from the tv and looked at the person standing in the doorway. It was a guy with brown hair and blue eyes. He wasn't actually that bad looking either.

"Are you Madison Green?" The dude asked giving me an intense stare

"It depends who you are I say" trying to sound cool but failing when my voice suddenly didn't want to work and came out shaky

"Well I'm Louis and I was in the car you got in a crash with." he says still staring at me making me feel very uncomfortable

"Oh so your the one that tried to kill me and my friend?" I ask my voice get harsher with each word

"We did not try to kill you the brakes on our bus failed and we couldn't stop at the light. I just came in here to see if you were ok. I just finished visiting with your friend Makenzie and so far she seems nicer than you."

"You visited Kenzie? How did she look?"

"She looked great considering she had just been in an accident a couple hours ago."

"Ok, I'm glad she is fine." Suddenly it clicked his name is Louis, he has a bus, oh my god.

He is the Louis Tomlinson from One Direction!


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while. All this drama going on in the 1D community is a lot. I was wondering what to want me to do with Zayn in this. Do you want we to leave him out or put him in.

Please leave a comment because I need to know. We almost have 100 reads on this story. Thank you guys so much for reading, it means a lot. Please leave a comment and vote on this chapter that would be amazing! Love you guys!

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