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I've lost all. Everything. My dear dear father. My innocence. My family. My respect. Twenty forlorn years. All gone because of my stupid stupid self.
The dread that passed me was unbearable I had no idea how I got here absolutely no memory at all, all forgotten. But it was good this way I know I'll remember it after a while but at least I'll have one less burden to carry now. I limped forward looking around the forest floor was covered with show my shoe covered feet pressing in it. I had no energy.  Digging a hole for about 5 years and making a clay circle to seal it swimming in the sea in a stormy night and finally reaching the shore it took hours of continuous vigorous exercise with a bag around your stomach, afraid that it might break and than after sending the evidence to the court and appeal letter in men's clothing as everyone eyed you. Running away from thugs and than another river to cross to reach the portal without any gold so you have to swim isn't a very energising exercise. But I entered the wrong unknown portal absolutely a stranger to where it lead me.

I hadn't eaten much I tried the leaves and they were bitter unlike the ones back at home, I never ate them raw but they were sweet. The colourful fruits that hung from the bushes here had me skeptical of there purity. They could be poisonous. The air was thick with snowflakes. I was limping away with the help of a branch that I didn't know how long could survive my weight.

My shirt and pants were still drenched and stiff from the river water. The snow not helping one bit. The only thing that gave me hope to go on was the soothing golden light coming from a gigantic palace a few yards away, I walked down the footpath in front of the palace having crossed the entrance the fountains frozen the trees aligned white.

As I saw the large stairs dread filled me. My feet were literally dead by now it were my legs that just had another weight to carry. I walked up banging at the door calling out for help as a guard immediately opened the door, he was dressed in metal all black. He looked at me astonished but so was I, he looked very different than all the people he had no carving on his head or neck he had short blonde hair and he had brown eyes. He looked at me as his eyes slightly changed colour getting duller somehow. After while he opened the doors wider letting me in.

I looked around at the expensive luxurious decor. The furniture outclass from a beautiful blend of beige black grey and white. Beautiful carvings and paintings hung around with a large chandelier burning bright. He asked me to follow him in English. That hit me hard cause no one speaks that language. I wondered what lord he served the whole way as he led from door to door changing hallways.

We stood behind a great large magnificent door. So tall that I had to crane my neck up to see if it ever ended. He slightly nudged me forward as I break my gaze from the height of the massive door. I walk forward now finding the door open. It's a sitting lounge with large windows, golden brown furniture and sofas and a lit fireplace with a table in between. People sat on the lavish sofas gathered together they looked like a family. A young woman and man sat their with their fingers intertwined and joining them another couple sat opposite them, a man stood beside the sofa in all black. They fitted perfectly to the place with beautiful jewels and costly dresses. But the fashion was different. What a weird bunch of people. Very weird indeed.

Had I forgotten or the fashion had changed while I was caged away. They frowned upon me eyeing me and my attire. None of them utter a single word so I decided to spark the conversation being so exhausted and wasting no time I jump straight to the topic.

"salutations, je sais que beaucoup d'entre vous sont perplexes à cause de ma présence soudaine, mais je suis pressé et j'ai besoin d'aide. Pouvez-vous m'emmener chez votre maître." (greetings, i know many of you are puzzled because of my sudden presence but im in a hurry and i need help can you please take me to your master.)

They stare at me as if I am a ghost happened to live again. One of the woman spoke up she had brown eyes and brown hair but her skin tone not fair slightly tan. She said, " I'm sorry but we didn't understand a single word" I furrowed my eyebrows, and looked at them clearly bewildered.

I said softly surprised they even heard me, " you're speaking English" she nodded slowly. " no one speaks that out here" she cleared her throat as the room felt silent, I sighed and said, " can you please take me to your master lady..." " Sophia" she said pointing towards the man beside the sofa. I hadn't noticed him properly before he was admittedly attractive, tall and a dark shade of tan with grey eyes and black hair. He somehow seemed dangerous.

I gazed intently at him he had no tribal carving or any difference other than his facial features from the others so I looked away. Confronting the woman again I said, " no he's not the one I mean the highest one who you serve" they suddenly burst into laughter. All of them except the man. He just stood there not moving a muscle and looking at me. One of the men sitting on the couch said, " higher than him that would be moon goddess" I was taken aback at how disrespectful he sounded.

I asked again, " well can you take me to her" they laughed harder. They pointed out the window to the bright grey and white moon and said, " she lives their if you insist".
" how do I reach her? Can't she come here I promise it won't be useless" at this they seemed to stop and take me a little seriously.

Another woman said, " who are you? And where have you come from?" I looked at her debating whether I should tell them or no. But regardless I said, " I'm from Mirstone. What is this place? I'm...lost."
They looked at each other and said, " where is that? we don't know, never heard of it before and you're in Russia" I looked at them and looking down at the floor and then to the man standing on the side somehow looking at him calmed me down.
I contemplated for a minute and than the realisation hit me hard, my eyes wide open I couldn't stand straight anymore I stumbled back, finding it difficult to keep my balance as I looked around my vision slipping away from my grasp I was close to a fall when the grey eyed man came close with a lightening speed and grabbed my elbow which I immediately yanked away. Taking the support of the wall behind me. My breathing was laboured at this point, I couldn't believe my eyes.

I looked at them all and the truth came out in a way that clearly stated that I didn't believe it, " I'm on planet all are humans... oh my... oh my lord... what am I supposed to do now h-how do I return?." I ask them with tears in my eyes utterly desolate somehow feeling bare and alone, desperate for help. I turned to the man and saw clear confusion in his eyes as the others asked me incessantly where did I come from what planet. But my tongue turned dry and my throat closed up on me and I collapsed. The last thing I remember was instead of falling to the floor I just saw black eyes looking at me intently with awe and worry.

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