Chapter 3

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She was the only one who had ever looked directly into his eyes and answered truthfully and just so perspicuously, nobody had done that in centuries. No one ever had the courage to even look up at him. He looked outside at her, through the window wall of his office as she twirled around watering the plants, feeding the animals and sitting against a tree reading a book to her pup. Playing with it.

He couldn't take his eyes off her, and certainly couldn't remove the small smile that graced his lips. They all were ecstatic, well two of them were all the worry that was there were just playing in Zions and Zanthus's mind. They had never controlled their anger, their rage had killed many. Many had lost their lives because of it. He never planned on controlling himself ever but now. She was changing him for the good of many but for him it was flawed, all wrong. He was sick of it. Today was a good chance for her to go. Go away and never return but they had no power one step away and he could feel deep anxiety and his heart drop. They just couldn't imagine anything without her being in it anymore.

They felt vulnerable. Well two of them felt that the other two were just captivated and already feeling the fall.

In the evening he went back again crossing the garden deliberately just to have a look at her. She wasn't there he followed her scent to her quarters. The pup was eating something in a bowl while she was singing softly and pouring him another bowl of water to drink. The moment the wolf saw him he whined and went running behind her.

She looked down at her legs, bent down and patted his fur, " why what happened?" He nudged her towards him. She looked up gazing at me with those mesmerising eyes of her but than she looked down and said, " I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you there is absolutely no excuse for my behaviour. Plus I I'd accept any punishment you perceive right" I liked it although it didn't feel right I thought of it as unnecessary but it gave me a sense of control over her. Punishment well I could think of that though.

She looked at me with her big doe eyes, " well" breaking me off my trance of dirty thoughts, " well, it's okay." She smiled slightly looking down at her pup and said, " if you don't mind can I ask you something." I nodded," are you always this intimidating?" Thinking of it, " to all I am but to you it doesn't seem so" I sat on the couch in her room.
"No, you are intimidating to all trust me I'm no exception." She slightly chuckled disagreeing than continuing her sentence.

" are you scared of me?" She looked at me standing up with the pup and placing him down next to his food, " well, sometimes." I didn't like the sound of that, the thought of her being scared of me triggered thoughts and fear, the fear that it might drive her away. But isn't that what we want. Yes, yes it is.

I hummed in reply, as she went to the book shelf finding a book. He kicked the little pup away just when she looked away and said before he could whine so she wouldn't notice, "so how are you planning to go back" she sighed and he could instantly sense the over rolling sadness. " I don't know, I just know that when my debt will be over I'll have to start my search than I hopefully would find the portal back. Yeah that reminds me when will it be over?" Ignoring her question I replied." tell me something about Eris."

The narrator

He said trying to change the subject. She sat opposite him, " hmm well it's not much different, our water is blue like yours but it's always blue the hue might change shades but it's never clear, instead of countries we have districts. I am from Mirstone there are many more. All the districts have a special task to contribute we are the peacemakers. We all have tribal marks or engravings to mark our district. I have one on my back, men usually have it on there arms and women on their backs. I think that we on our planet look the most human or like you. Our planet isn't as big as yours ... when I look outside this window I look at the moon and just wish I could find my way back, I just don't think I'd ever be able to fit in. I miss my family very much, I just wanna know how they are, are they doing fine? Sometimes I feel vulnerable the longer I look the more miserable I feel.... I like to think that I'll just wish and it will come true. In case if it didn't than I'd die searching without my family. The vastness of the sky scares me a bit, gives me the chills to be honest. Your world is beautiful but very odd and... silent."

She had tears in her eyes, and one fell. I just wanted to rub it off and not let another slip ever. Thankfully she did it immediately because apparently I couldn't control my actions. Whenever I was near her I'm unable to think straight and I just do things that I would never do. I didn't know how to respond to that so I just said, " I hope you can find a way back but if you don't I will be here more than anyone... I promise you can always think of me as your family." Hoping the opposite silently when She looked at me smiling with teary eyes, " that's very kind of you."

There was no tension and the silence wasn't heavy but I wanted to make her feel happy again distract her a little, I said trying to change the subject, " were you married or committed back there in your world." She looked at me bewildered, "No! no I wasn't when any of us do we usually settle with our mates immediately and finding one is that there will always be a similar shared characteristic it could be anything, height, colour a similarity in the tribal patterns or a specific feature anything." The black ring in her eyes immediately made sense but she had clearly not noticed at all.

I nodded. "what did your master tell you about humans?" She looked at me. " he mostly spoke of you all negatively unlike my father though, there are a lot of things he mentioned good and bad but mostly the latter." I chuckled leaning forward putting my elbows on my knees I said, " such as." " well there are a couple to start with he said that you all are very careless, stupid and absolutely ridiculous, and that you all have changed your planet for the worse and in search of something that is very menial and unsatisfying. Furthermore you all are very sinister, selfish and... vicious, you all have killed your own kind in such sadistic ways that is beyond our imagination and you all don't even admit that all of the chaos is caused by your obnoxious selves. Humans tend to like to stay alone when possess power and rank and they would breach any limits to hurt others if they don't like them. They usually go off on others and the most resolute of you are the worst, and that your cruel tyranny and power hunger is really unmatchable. Additionally, you all are the most animals but you don't call yourselves that. Why are you smiling? You all aren't like this though." She questioned when she looked at me, " we did ask you to pay off for whatever we did for you?" " that's true but who wouldn't ask for that-" I smirked, "darling you have no idea, in fact I love the level of your oblivion"

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