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Days rolled past and soon the harsh British winters melted away to reveal the fresh spring. Though there was still frequent rain, there were more days where the students were able to spend more of the days outdoors by the lake.

On one of these days, Regulus and Betsy were sat under a tree, her head was in his lap as they both read from their books. It was peaceful moments like this that Regulus loved, where it was just them, there was nothing else that mattered in those moments besides the girl lay with him. Of course, there were very few peaceful moments when you're dating a marauders sister.

"One meter apart!" James called as he pushed himself in between the two of them.

"Ow James." Betsy complained as James kicked her. "What do you want?"

"Prongs! Leave them alone." Remus joined them followed by Peter, though they didn't sit down, instead, leaning against either side of the tree.

"Shove off Moony. I need advice."

"About?" Betsy asked.

"Merlin." They were joined by an out of breath Sirius. "I told you guys to slow down."

Regulus found it slightly odd that he was now included in conversations like this. James had hated him before and though Betsy had told him how James had said that he would make more of an effort, he never expected this. He had gotten to know most of Betsy's friends, he already knew Charlie, Cora and Rose since they were in the same year and had heard of all of the others from the stories that Sirius had told him. He was surprised to find that he enjoyed their company, though he wouldn't admit that.

"You are so unfit." Betsy joked.

"Please," Sirius scoffed. "I am easily the fittest one here." He winked towards Remus, who just rolled his eyes, before taking a seat next to Betsy, still red in the face.

"Guys." James interrupted. "Can we get back to talking about me?"

"What is it?" Regulus asked.

"Okay, in the will, mum and dad left me the cottage in Godric's hollow. Me and B both agreed that we would move in there during the summer."

Regulus knew this already, Betsy had told him the siblings plan to leave the manor since it didn't feel right for them to stay in it without their parents. Instead, it was going to be saved and turned into something else. Betsy wanted to turn it into an orphanage and James had agreed that it was a good idea, though they weren't quite sure how they would go about doing that, James planned on figuring that out next year when he had more free time.

"So," James continued. "I was thinking about asking Lily if she wanted to move in?"

"Really?!" Betsy exclaimed, excitement evident on her face.

James nodded. "I mean I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her but it's definitely too soon to ask her to marry me."

"Look at him." Sirius wiped an imaginary tear. "They grow up so fast. Soon he'll be having kids and forget all about us." He clung to Remus's trouser leg. "How will I cope Moony?"

"You'll still have us Padfoot." Betsy laughed.

"Please. You're off shagging my brother. You've replaced me." He turned his head dramatically away from her.

"Aww Pads" She cooed in false sympathy. "Cry me a river."

"I can't believe you." He sniffed. "Choosing him over me."

"Obviously! He's my boyfriend you twat."

Regulus smiled at this. Though they had been on a few dates but hadn't really labelled themselves, agreeing to just let whatever happened happen. But now she had confirmed it, even if it was just a slip of the tongue. He brought it up to her later.

"You called me your boyfriend." He told her. They were still lay outside, though now there was a chilly breeze so Regulus had placed a warming charm over the two of them. She looked up at him and furrowed her brow. "To Sirius. You said I was your boyfriend."

She blushed slightly. "I suppose so." She chewed on her bottom lip slightly. "Did you mind?"

"Yeah, a bit."


"No, you idiot. I didn't mind."

"I hate you." She told him but she leaned in and captured his lips in a soft kiss.

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