Chapter 16: Partner

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Upon waking up, Xiao Zhan felt his lower half all sore and a tingling feeling on his neck. Is it because of the knot that split him open last night? He winced as he tried sitting up but eventually gave up, he can't even move his lower half an inch. He sighed as he turns his attention to the man beside him, whose hugging his waist while sleeping so peacefully, instead.

"Ah damn," he remarked, bliss filling his system. Who cares about the pain in his body if he sees the man who marked him sleeping beside him, warming up the bed. He was already attracted to him because of his appearance and now, it's as if being his mate just deepen his feeling for the alpha.

A peaceful sigh came out of his mouth again as he admires the alpha, who is sleeping peacefully like an angel beside him. His hands move on their own, reaching his hair and tucking it beside his ear before caressing his cheeks.

"He's so handsome," he giggled as he presses his body onto him, nuzzling on his neck and sniffing his alpha scent from his body. Yibo instinctively hugged him tight, he felt secure between those hugs, his worries have disappeared from those little moments they had.

But then, Yibo woke up. His eyes went wide at what he just failed to do last night. Xiao Zhan didn't notice him waking up, staring at him with horror. Yibo immediately shoves him away from him that causes Xiao Zhan to wince in pain from the overexert of muscles that stretched from his waist.

Yibo was looking at him, dumbstruck. After the sex they had last night, his mind was clouded by his alpha instinct in protecting his omega mate, but now that he woke up, everything cleared up. Everything that happened last night sunk in him, realizing what he just failed to do, his intention in killing him just came back, but there's a voice at the back of his head telling him to protect what's his. His hands instinctively fumble on the sheets to look for the daggers that he threw elsewhere last night.

Xiao Zhan immediately recovered from his wincing when he notices Yibo's expressions, he bit his inner lip, sucked all the pain as he grabbed both Yibo's hands to stop him.

"Listen to me!" He shouted on his face that made Yibo stop with his eyes wide open. "You told me that you'll listen to me!" He repeated, tears forming from his eyes. Pain in his body and pleading are mixing.

'My mate is crying.' the voice inside his head chanted. The tears he is seeing in front of him terrified the alpha in him. 'No, don't cry... please'

"Please... listen to me..." Xiao Zhan pleaded with his soft voice, lowering his head to hide the pain he's feeling as he tried to sit up, swallowing all the pain.

Yibo's expression softens, his hands trembled seeing how Xiao Zhan is in pain. He reached up to him, holding both his arms and gently made him laid back in bed, making Xiao Zhan look at him in surprise and about to stop him from making lay in bed when Yibo spoke, "...I'll listen..." he mumbled. Pride? anger? Vengeance? It was thrown at the back of his head. His instincts are telling him, his mate needed him most.

Xiao Zhan plastered a faint smile as he reaches for his hand, "Thank you..." then he averted his gaze, "how should I start?" he mumbled and was about to retract his hand from his but Yibo grabbed them, intertwining them together. Xiao Zhan was surprised, last night, he was about to be killed with those hands but now he's holding onto it gently. He smiled seeing their hands connected, "Right," he paused, "I know this is sudden," he looked up at him, "someone is manipulating this whole mess between our clans."

Yibo's brows furrowed but listened intently at him. "I haven't figure who it was yet but I've been looking into it. But my resources are limited, I needed you to help me," he gripped on his hands.

Yibo looked down at him, confused and lost. "What do you mean?"

"We need to partner up in solving this, to continue what your father started," he added, persuading him.

Yibo's ear tingled from mentioning his father, "My father? How'd you know him? He was killed twelve years ago."

Xiao Zhan sighed, he can't explain it himself. He closed his eyes, the only thing he can do is bring him to his headquarters to meet his parents and so they can clear and explain everything to him. The only problem is, his headquarters is in the middle of the wolf's territory. With wolves' keen noses, they can detect a vampire and might kill him right on the spot. But what choice does he have? He can just let his parents go out since someone might attack them in the open. He heaves a heavy sigh before looking at Yibo, "I need you to meet my parents." he proclaimed.

Yibo's cheeks flushed, 'Meet his parents?'.

"They knew everything and they will explain everything to you." Xiao Zhan added.

Yibo sighed internally in relief when he said the reason why, for a moment there, his heart skipped a beat. Cause he fucked up the order, it should be courting first, meeting the parents second, mating third, and making a family last. But he already bit his neck and eventually planted his seed in him and yet their relationship is still blurry.

"When we'll we meet them?" Yibo asked.

"Today, but I need to mark you with my scent so no one will suspect you as a vampire," Xiao Zhan declared.

Yibo smiled, "Okay," he answered, reaching to tuck his hair besides his ear then caress his cheeks. "So we need not waste any time?"

Xiao Zhan rubbed his face on his palm and nodded, "Yeah."

"But we need to wash up first," Yibo uttered and let go of his hand, and stood. He walked to the other side of the bed which Xiao Zhan followed with his eyes. He chuckled, "Are you going to carry me?" he asked, raising his arms for a needy lift.

Yibo smiled and reached for him, gently holding onto his shoulder and legs in a bridal style. Xiao Zhan slightly winced in pain that he immediately notice, "You okay?" Yibo asked worriedly.

Xiao Zhan giggled behind the pain, "A little, but I'm fine," he answered.

"Sorry..." Yibo said apologetically and slowly walked to the bathroom. Xiao Zhan just nuzzled into his neck as he enjoys the ride.


A/N: Yibo's characteristic and behavior in this story is so inconsistent, one moment he's super angry at him then he becomes a sucker for Xiao Zhan, I freaking hate myself. ಥ_ಥ

If something is unclear in the story, please ask away. I'm willing to answer~

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