Chapter 49: Zhan's on Labor

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Two months had passed after the incident at Zhan's headquarters.

Now, Zhan's old and new employees, Haikuan, and Zhuocheng are gathered in the living room waiting for the big news. Well, it kinda became a holiday for everyone because it's the wolf clan's leader giving birth. He's been in labor for about five hours and there's still no news from them.

They are currently sitting in the living room, eyes on the large screen, waiting for the video call. Some were excited, some are already crying in anticipation and some are praying for Zhan's success in giving birth.

"I hope he doesn't have difficulty in giving birth," Haikuan mumbled then sighed, Zhuocheng who's sitting beside him glanced at him, "Why?" he asked, confused. For all he knows, it's normal to be in pain while giving birth.

"Well, you know. Vampires are too strong for a normal human, the mother could die just by having them how much more when they give birth. But Zhan is a wolf, he was able to endure the whole three months cycle of his pregnancy but we can't guarantee that it'll be easy for him," he sighed earning a nod from the latter. "He's strong, he'll be able to endure it," Zhuocheng uttered, trusting his best friend's strength.


"Okay, breath steadily Mr. Xiao," the doctor said to a huffing Xiao Zhan. "...then push..." she added. Hands clutching on Yibo's hands, his grip became tighter once again as he takes in a deep breath before letting out a loud grunt. Sweats are bathing him together with small tears leaving his eyes as he tries to push. It was long five hours, the laboring is sucking up all his strength.

Gladly, he has his mate beside him, showering him with his pheromones, supporting him, and whispering sweet words of encouragement whenever he wanted to give up.

"One more! You can do it!" The doctor encourages him once again.

And so he pushed, growling and screaming in pain. "You can do it, love," Yibo coos just beside his ear. Despite his loud screaming, the soft sound of his mate's voice makes him more motivated to push harder.

After about half an hour of pushing, panting, and pushing again, the head is already peeking. The nurse and the doctor assisting him encourage him more, helping him in the way they can.

"Just a bit more, Mr. Xiao! You can do it!" she said as the head slowly come out. It was a long wait but it's worth it. "The head is already out!" she announced.

Yibo immediately perked up, overwhelmed. This is it! His son will be out soon! But he never let go of Zhan's hand, just, he stood from his seat to try peeking at what's happening under the blanket that's covering Zhan's lower half.

Seeing Yibo's expression, Zhan had the urge to do well. And so he grunts and pushed harder, tears flowing from his eyes, pushing himself into the edge. But little did he know, his strength is gradually disappearing. Eyes blurring, skin beginning to pale, but he's never bothered by it.

And with one last big push, everything went blurred then he blacked out. Gladly, he was able to hear his child cry before he blacked out.


Yibo was so happy hearing his son's cry, but his smile faded when he felt the hand that was holding him a while ago weakens, then followed with the sound of the monitor that monitors the pulse, ringing inside the labor room.

Zhan's pulses are gradually slowing down. Yibo panicked, knees are weakening at the sound of the monitor and the rustling feet of the nurses and doctors inside.

What's happening? Why is the monitor ringing? Why are the lines on the monitor are becoming little waves? He wanted to stay by his mate's side but the nurses dragged him out. No! he wanted to stay! But he was already outside, banging at the door, pleading to let him in. His tears had fallen, crying his heart out as he slides down onto his knees.

This was supposed to be a happy day, but why did it turn out like this?

Zhan's parents immediately approached him, cradling him into their arms. "Son, what happened?" Zhan's father asked, rubbing his back to calm him.

Yibo's head was lowered, eyes full of tears, and his fists clutched tighter, digging his nails into his palms, "A-after... hic... After the baby came out his... his pulse suddenly slowed down..." he sobs.

Zhan's mother gasps, tears building in her eyes with her lips quivering. "I-is he okay?" she asked before her tears had finally come down.

Yibo shook his head, "I-I don't know, mom... I don't know!" he cried in frustration, he wanted to go back inside and whisper to his mate to not give up, but he can't.

Zhan's father fight his tears and hugged both of them who's already crying. Fear of Zhan's safety is creeping inside him also, but being vulnerable in front of the two will just add to their worries. And so he sighed, standing and helping the two stand from their feet.

"Our son is strong, he will come out fine," He coos his wife then turn his head to Yibo, "You trust him right?" He rubs his back, "He'll be okay. Take a deep breath and calm down," he said to Yibo.


Not long after, the doctor came out.

Yibo's lowered head slowly looked up at the sound of a door opening, his eyes are swollen from crying, and still hiccupping. He immediately stood up when his vision cleared, seeing the doctor.

"Doc, what happened? Is he okay? How's my mate?!" he asked continuously.

The doctor removed her mask, then sighed, "Mr. Xiao is fine. But it will take him a day or two to wake up. Giving birth to a vampire tired his body," she announced. "So when he wakes up, he needs a lot of rest and needs to be checked up from time to time. He may be able to recover after a month or so. For now, we'll bring him back to his room, so rest assured," she gave them a final smile. But before she can leave, she spoke, "If you want to see the baby, he's at the special care nursery," she said then left them.

A wide smile and a sigh of relief left their heavy heart. At least they are assured that Zhan's fine.


A/N: Is it short? My vocabulary is not as wide as everyone expected. I'm still struggling using words and finding the right words to use. LOL HAHAHAHA

Anygays~ I'm no medical expert so please don't judge me ('。_。`). I used some help from Mr. Google to at least make it work. hehez thank you for reading~

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