You- 3

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"You studied medicine? I thought you never liked it." Sidney said, breaking the awkward silence between them. They were seated in an ice cream place after the day's work having a chat.

Jemima shrugged, "I honestly wanted to see why your wealthy family of Doctors made a god out of the profession. I wanted to show you that I could do it too."

Sidney stared at the 29 year old seated opposite him. She was sure a woman that kept him marveled every single second. She looked even more beautiful; her skin was glowing. Sidney now understood why she left him. He obviously couldn't take good care of her.

"Hello.." Jemima waved across his face, bringing him back to earth. He blinked, not so embarrassed that she had caught him staring.

He picked up her palms and caressed them gently. She froze at this single act.

"Mima, let's get married. I can take very good care of you now." He blurted out, staring deep into her hazel eyes.

"Excuse me?" Jemima exclaimed, totally flabbergasted. Her dear heart wasn't helping matters. It was thumping erratically, making her so nervous.

"You heard me." He shrugged, taking another scoop from his ice cream.

Picking up her sling bag and her ice cream up, she frowned, "You must be joking!.... Or you must be running psycho. I'll take that as my cue to leave." And she stormed out. Sidney chuckled, picking up his car keys and following suit.
Jemima was never one to go to a club, but that evening, she couldn't help it. She couldn't believe how much effect he still had on her even after seven long years. She took in the Amarula in her glass sip by sip surprised at the fact that she couldn't date any other guy for as long as three years following their divorce. She just couldn't love anyone else, no matter how much she tried.

"Should I just fulfill your fantasies and let you have me?" Sidney smirked, strolling over to Jemima who just stared at him with her mouth agape, surprised at how he managed to look so appealing to her eyes even after several years.

"I thought you were on a night shift." Jemima hissed, rolling her eyes at his sinful comment.

"I think so." He said, acting like he was in deep thoughts "But I'll pass. I have other important things to do."

She eyeballed him, "like what?"

"Wooing this beautiful woman." He smiled gingerly, pointing at Jemima. Jemima turned her head backwards, pretending to look for the 'woman' Sidney was talking about.

"You Mima, you!"

She scoffed, "You didn't even ask whether I was married or engaged."

"Your fingers are empty."

"What if I decided to remove it or something?"

"That's why it's a 'what if'. I don't work with any of those. And besides, who said married women can't be snatched?"

This earned him a scowl from Jemima. "Adulterer!"

"As long as it's you, baby." He winked and she couldn't help the heat that crept up her cheeks.

"How come you didn't add any weight over the years? You still look what .. nineteen?"

"With the whole medical school stress? Nah" she shook her head negative.

"Tell me about it." He chuckled "I totally understand."

There was a tad bit of silence between them for a while before Sidney broke the silence picking Jemima's hand and staring deep into her eyes, "Mima, I really really like you. No, scratch that! I'm totally in love with you."

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