01: The Reunion

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"Goodbye." My mom said to me, I was finally moving out, I could finally do what I wanted when I wanted to. As I was walking away I had a weird thought pop into my head 'what would happen if I didn't move where mom thought I was going to?'

About a year later I had more blood on my hands over the last year than I had in my body. If you had told me a year ago I was going to be the leader of one of the world's most deadly mafia I would have scoffed in your face and walked away. Little did I know that's exactly where I would be, hurting people that had wronged the other people in the mafia because they were the most at home I had ever felt and I had never been happier.

I was on a mission today, to kill someone who had wronged one of our oldest members long ago. I was riding my motorcycle down a road that felt oddly familiar. As I reached the person's address I froze, dead in my tracks, as I realized that I had grown up in this house, and that my mother lived here a year ago and probably still does. Then it hit me, either I had to kill my mother or I would lose who I considered my new family. As hard as it was, last year my mother said some pretty hurtful things to me.

As I walked up to the house I signaled to the guys to stand down and let me handle this one myself. As I walked up to the front door a memory hit me, when I was ten and my dad was bringing me back from our last visit before he was sent to jail where he was told to never come out, now that I think about it I remember my mom saying ' it's ok honey you won't have to worry about him soon'.

As that memory came back it filled me with rage, so much so that I hadn't even realized I kicked the door down. There sitting on the couch was a woman who resembled my mother sitting next to Ian, our oldest member. As Ian slowly turned around I suddenly noticed his resemblance to my mother, then it hit me.

"Ian, are you my grandfather?" I asked.

"Abigail?" My mom stuttered, "What are you doing here? I thought you moved to Alabama last year."

"Ah you have finally arrived." Ian finally spoke up.

"You set me up didn't you?" I barely whispered.

"You need to see your mother, my daughter, again because she needs to talk to you." He calmly stated.

Everything felt weird, so I reached for my dagger not feeling up for anymore talking. When I walked in front of the couch, I ended up facing my mother, I stopped dead in my tracks. She had a big diamond on her left ring finger and she had a bump on her stomach.

Mom was pregnant and she had a nice rock on her finger. Why hadn't she told me? I felt betrayed by my own mother yet again.

"Mom, do you care to explain yourself?" I challenged.

"Sweety I had tried calling and texting you but I never got a response from you, I thought you hated me." Mom sadly admitted.

"I could never hate you mom." I scrambled out.

"Really hun? You seemed like you didn't like me at all the last time we saw each other." Mom whispered.

I fell to my knees in sob. Before I could tell what was happening I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me and I could tell who they belonged to.

"Hey Ian?" I asked.

"Yes Abigail?" Ian retorted.

"Does she know?" I asked.

"Yes she does but not about you." Ian said

I took a deep breath and looked over at my mother who looked as confused as ever. Would she not like me anymore? Would she turn me away and want nothing to do with me?

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