A Traitor is Born

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"Good morning inspirational cat posters.  Let's start the day right."  A boy in a blue t shirt with an orange T on the front says.  Behind him a clock reads 4:00 am.  He jumps up and grabs a pull up bar and begins doing pullups.  After 25 of those, he does 30 pushups, 30 situps, and a 5 mile jog on the treadmill.  He gets off and does some stretches to cool off and takes a shower.  He gets out, brushes his (hair color) shoulder length hair and puts it in a man bun.  He walks out of the bathroom and cooks up some breakfast.  While eating he retrieves a book titled, "The Art of Sword Fighting."  He takes out a highlighter and marks all the important parts and he finishes breakfast.  The digital clock on the oven reads 6:15.  He grabs a book bag and he puts on his shoes, blue with white highlights and orange laces.  He walks out the door and begins his 15 mile walk to school.

Along the way he helps an elderly woman cross the street, and he helps someone carry their groceries to their car.  "Thank you Masters."  Inko Midoriya says.  "No problem Ms. Midoriya."  He continues his walk and gets to school.  He opens the door for a highly disorganized Midoriya and he thanks him.  "Thanks Y/n."

"No problem String Bean."  Y/n tells him.

As class continues on the teacher talks about a career assessment test and how he doesn't think he needs to hand it out.

"Don't lump me in with these Extras!"  Bakugo yells.

"Ah Bakugo, you want to attend UA right?"

"Yeah!  And I'll be the first person from this trash school to attend!"

"Midoriya, Masters, you two also want to go to UA right?"

Everyone laughs at them and Y/n let's the insults bounce off.

"What these losers!  Don't even think about it!  I'm better than both of you combined!" Bakugo yells and he jumps forward to blow up Midoriya's desk.

'I know 15 ways to stop this.  5 of them won't cause severe damage.'  Y/n rolls forward and stops in a squatting position.  He reaches up and grabs Bakugo's hand and he stands up.  This pulls Bakugo's arm away and the blast hits the ceiling.  Y/n pulls the hand behind his back and falls onto it.  A loud pop is heard and Bakugo yells in pain.

"Both of you!  Back to your seats!"

At the end of the day, Y/n is walking by the class room and sees Bakugo has Midoriya cornered.  Bakugo takes Midoriya's hero journal and blows it up and tosses it into the koi pond in front of the school.  "You don't have a quirk.  How do you plan on getting past the entrance exam?"  He pushes Midoriya back and sneers.  "You could always take a swan dive off the building and hope you get a quirk in the next- ack!"

Y/n gets Bakugo in a choke hold with his arm across his neck and his other arm locking it in place.  "You won't be getting out of this.  The only way I let go is if you tap out.  And that means that you promise to leave me and String Bean alone."  Bakugo trys to grab his arm but he can't get Y/n to budge.  "Tick Tock, you have 3 seconds before you blackout.  And then permanent brain damage occurs."  Bakugo taps Y/n's arm and he let's him go.  Y/n helps Midoriya with his stuff and they leave.

"We need to work on those self defense skills if we have any hope of becoming the first quirkles hero team."  Y/n tells Midoriya on the way to his house.  A sewer great opens and a sludge creature gets out.  'This guy.  I remember him from the news.  His weak spot is his eyes.'  "Get behind me!"  Y/n grabs a near by trash can lid and a pipe.  He gets in a sword fighting stance and the villain attacks.  Y/n blocks with the shield and hits the villain's eye.  He screams and slams Y/n into a wall knocking him out cold.

He wakes up an hour later and finds the villain and Midoria gone.  He sees a set of foot prints, the same size and shape as All Might's.  'String Bean must of grabbed onto All Might.'  He continues his walk home and comes across Midoria with All Might.  All Might shrinks down to a skinny version.  'By the looks of it, with the way his shirt is flowing in the breeze, and how he coughed  up blood, he has some respiratory problems.  And a ton of reconstructive surgeries later, he's still messed up.'

"Izuku Midoriya, I judge you worthy of inheriting my quirk!"

'Like he'll except!'

"I accept!"

'What?!  We had a deal!'  "You traitor!  We had a pact!  Me and you! We were going to change the world!  Prove to everyone that we don't need quirks!"  Y/n yells.

"It's not what it looks like Y/n!"

"You lost your right to call me that Midoriya!  You can go shove it for all I care!"  Y/n storms off .  He makes his way to a storage unit he bought and opens it up.  He looks inside to find all sorts of tools for machining.  "I'll show you!  I'll show everyone!"

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